pytest-dockerc 1.0.8

Creator: railscoder56

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pytestdockerc 1.0.8

pytest-dockerc is a plugin for pytest that provides support
for running test from Docker Compose project.
The docker-compose up -d command is executed at the beginning of the
test session and the docker-compose down command at the end. The main fixture dockerc
returns a compose.project.Project
to deal with the python docker API in your tests. Another fixture dockerc_logs is provided to enable
the logs on stdout during your tests execution.
This plugin provides a way to use as far as possible the same environment for development, test,
integration and production phases. You test and deploy the same artifact in order to avoid
side effects in production.
pip install pytest-dockerc

Getting started
Below a basic example, you can also refer to a full example with an
http server.
├── docker-compose.yml
└── tests

version: "3.6"

image: python:3-alpine
def test_example(dockerc):
assert len(dockerc.containers()) == 1
container = dockerc.containers()[0]
assert container.is_running is True
assert container.labels["com.docker.compose.service"] == "python"

Available options
Some options are available to update the default behavior of the plugin.
--dockerc-norun disable the run and stop commands of docker-compose
attach the pytest container to the docker-compose
network,only if pytest is started inside a container
set the Compose file path
set the working directory of the Compose project
set project name of the Compose project
--dockerc-build build images before starting containers
select services to run

Run tests without up and down command of docker-compose
Running the full docker-compose project can take time, if you loads several services. It is
useful to run the test on a running instance. That method is recommended when you write a new
First start your docker compose like usual:
docker-compose up

Then run your tests with the --dockerc-norun, that will skip the up and down command:
pytest --dockerc-norun

Below the docker-compose output after 2 runs of the test tests/test_fixtures::test_basic_workflow,
which performs a GET request.
Creating network "pytest-dockerc_default" with the default driver
Creating pytest-dockerc_http_1 ... done
Attaching to pytest-dockerc_http_1
http_1 | - - [24/Dec/2018:08:48:21 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "python-requests/2.20.0" "-"
http_1 | - - [24/Dec/2018:08:48:22 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "python-requests/2.20.0" "-"


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