pytest-envvars 1.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pytestenvvars 1.2.1

Pytest plugin to validate use of envvars on your tests

What is pytest-envvars?
pytest-envvars randomize values of environment variables on your unit tests to check consistency of mocks about configuration. If the test has a wrong mock, this test will be broken.

$ pip install pytest-envvars

You need write some changes on pytest.ini file, like that…
pytestenvvars__env_files =
pytestenvvars__dont_randomize_envvars =
On this example above the plugin read .env file (from pytestenvvars__env_files section) of your project and randomize ALL envvar configuration on that file, if you dont need randomize some envvar configuration you need add this envvar to pytestenvvars__dont_randomize_envvars section like shown above.
Before that configuration to run validation you need run pytest with flag --validate-envvars, like that…
pytest --validate-envvars
To debug purpose you can use --envvars-value to set a default value for all envvars. This parameter accept only two options 0 or 1, see this example:
pytest --validate-envvars --envvars-value=0
Using the plugin that way you will apply the value 0 to ALL of your envvars.


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