pytest-invenio 2.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pytestinvenio 2.2.1

Pytest fixtures for Invenio.
The package offers a number of features to help test Invenio based

Less boilerplate: Using the fixtures you can keep your short
and focused.
Database re-use: database tests are running inside a transaction which is
rolled back after the test.
End-to-end testing: Selenium tests can easily be switched on/off, and in case
of test failures a screenshot is taken (with possibility to output in the
console in base64-encoding - useful on e.g. TravisCI).
Application configuration for testing (e.g. disable CSRF protection in forms
and HTTPS requirement).
JSON decoding support in Flask test client for easier API testing.
Batteries included: further fixtures help with e.g. mail sending and CLI

Further documentation is available on

Version 2.2.1 (released 2024-06-27)

installation: pin importlib-metadata <8.0.0

Version 2.2.0 (released 2024-02-28)

setup: bump coverage package
installation: add GitHub action annotations

Version 2.1.7 (released 2024-01-29)

fixtures: use unlogged tables for PostgreSQL

Version 2.1.6 (released 2023-10-31)

Add db_session_options fixture.

Version 2.1.5 (released 2023-10-02)

installation: pin Flask <2.3.0.

Version 2.1.4 (released 2023-06-02)

user fixture: use identity ID as int

Version 2.1.3 (released 2023-04-13)

yanked, because of an incompatibility with Flask-SQLAlchemy v3.

Version 2.1.2 (released 2023-03-20)

disable request rate-limiting

Version 2.1.1 (released 2022-10-25)

pin pytest version

Version 1.4.15 (released 2022-10-04)

Pin docker-services-cli<0.5.0, which drops Elasticsearch v6.

Version 1.4.14 (yanked)
Version 2.1.0 (released 2022-10-03)

Adds support for OpenSearch v2

Version 2.0.0 (released 2022-09-23)

Use invenio-search v2 and replaces Elasticsearch with OpenSearch, including
fixture names.
Deprecate previous fixtures named with es prefix.
Remove upper pin of pytest.

Version 1.4.13 (released 2022-08-09)

Fix pycodestyle dependency

Version 1.4.12 (released 2022-08-08)

Fix flask-login dependency

Version 1.4.11 (released 2022-05-05)

Upper pin Selenium dependency, v4 drops support for Python 3.7.

Version 1.4.10 (released 2022-05-04)

Fixes an issue with the user id in the UserFixture being None before the
db session is flushed.

Version 1.4.9 (released 2022-05-02)

Mark users as changed and commit through datastore (outside of context

Version 1.4.8 (yanked 2022-05-02 due to UserFixture session close issues)

Commit users through the datastore in the UserFixture.

Version 1.4.7 (released 2022-04-04)

Adds support for Flask v2.1

Version 1.4.6 (released 2022-02-29)

Adds support for Invenio-Accounts 2.0 in the UserFixture.

Version 1.4.5 (released 2022-02-23)

Fixes an import so that pytest-invenio is now usable without
Invenio-Accounts installed.

Version 1.4.4 (released 2022-02-21)

Adds new UserFixture for easier test user creation.

Version 1.4.3 (released 2022-02-18)

Adds support for using importlib_metadata to read the patched entry points.

Version 1.4.2 (released 2021-05-11)

Add APP_THEME and THEME_ICONS in default app config, often needed when testing
invenio packages that will render templates.

Version 1.4.1 (released 2020-12-17)

Remove pytest-celery because it’s still an alpha release.

Version 1.4.0 (released 2020-09-16)

BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE: Changes to use isort, pycodestyle and pydocstyle via
pytest plugins. You need to update pytest.ini and remove the --pep8
from the addopts and instead add --isort --pydocstyle --pycodestyle:
addopts = --isort --pydocstyle --pycodestyle ...
In ./ script you should also remove calls to pydocstyle and
isort as both are now integrated with pytest.

BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE: Upgrade dependencies: coverage, pytest-flask,
check-manifest, pytest. You need to set the pytest-flask live server
fixture scope in your pytest config:
live_server_scope = function

Decommission pytest-pep8 (last release in 2014) in favour of pycodestyle.

Version 1.3.4 (released 2020-09-15)

Add entrypoints fixture to allow injecting extra entry points during
testing so that you avoid manual registration of e.g. mappings and schemas.

Version 1.3.3 (released 2020-08-27)

Add docker-services-cli as dependency to enable Invenio modules to
perform reproducible tests.

Version 1.3.2 (released 2020-05-19)

Move check-manifest, coverage, isort, pydocstyle, pytest-flask and
pytest-pep8 from test to install requirements to provide them as centrally
managed dependencies.

Version 1.3.1 (released 2020-05-12)

Uninstalls numpy in Travis due to incompatibilities with

Version 1.3.0 (released 2020-03-19)

Removes support for Python 2.7.

Version 1.2.2 (released 2020-05-07)

Uninstalls numpy in Travis due to incompatibilities with
Deprecated Python versions lower than 3.6.0. Now supporting 3.6.0.
Set maximum version of Werkzeug to 1.0.0 due to incompatible imports.
Set maximum version of Flask to 1.1.0 due to incompatible imports.
Set maximum version of Pytest-Flask to 1.0.0 due to breaking changes.
Set minimum version of Invenio-Search to 1.2.3 and maximum to 1.3.0.

Version 1.2.1 (released 2019-11-13)

Fixes instance path fixture to also set the static folder.

Version 1.2.0 (released 2019-07-31)

Adds fixture for creating default Location.
Adds fixture for creating Bucket from directory with files.

Version 1.1.1 (released 2019-05-21)

Adds pytest-cov as install dependency.

Version 1.1.0 (released 2019-02-15)

Changes name of fixture from celery_config to celery_config_ext due to
unreliable overwriting of celery_config fixture name.

Version 1.0.6 (released 2018-12-03)

Fixes overwriting of celery_config fixture

Version 1.0.5 (released 2018-10-08)

Adds default Content Security Policy header to the app configuration.
Fixes issue with default tests scope.

Version 1.0.4 (released 2018-08-14)

Bumps pytest minimun version to 3.8.0.

Version 1.0.3 (released 2018-09-05)

Moves module dependent imports inside the fixture functions in order to
decouple dependencies for Invenio apps or modules that might not be using

Version 1.0.2 (released 2018-05-25)
Version 1.0.1 (released 2018-04-17)
Version 1.0.0 (released 2018-03-22)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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