pytest-layab 2.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pytestlayab 2.0.0

pytest fixtures and assertions functions for layab

pytest fixtures and utility functions that can be used to test layab based REST API.

Flask based API

Test client
Sending JSON (as POST)
Sending file (as POST)
Sending JSON (as PUT)
Assert CREATED response
Compare response content to a file

Test client
You can have access to the pytest-flask client fixture for your layab based REST API.
Providing a service_module_name pytest fixture will give you access to a Flask test client and ensure SERVER_ENVIRONMENT environment variable will be set to test in order to load test specific configuration.
pytest-flask must be installed for the following sample to work:
import pytest
from pytest_layab.flask import app

def service_module_name():
# Considering exists within a folder named my_module.
# And contains a variable named application containing the Flask app.
return "my_module.main"

def test_get(client):
# Perform a GET request on your application on /my_endpoint endpoint.
response = client.get('/my_endpoint')

Helper functions
The following examples consider that you already have a test client.
Posting JSON
from pytest_layab.flask import post_json

def test_json_post(client):
response = post_json(client, '/my_endpoint', {
'my_key': 'my_value',

Posting file
from pytest_layab.flask import post_file

def test_file_post(client):
response = post_file(client, '/my_endpoint', 'file_name', 'file/path')

Putting JSON
from pytest_layab.flask import put_json

def test_json_put(client):
response = put_json(client, '/my_endpoint', {
'my_key': 'my_value',

Checking HTTP 201 (CREATED) response
pytest_layab.flask.assert_201 function will ensure that the status code of the response is 201 and that the location header contains the expected relative route.
from pytest_layab.flask import assert_201

def test_created_response(client):
response = None
assert_201(response, '/my_new_location')

Checking response content
pytest_layab.flask.assert_file function will ensure that the response body will have the same content as in the provided file.
from pytest_layab.flask import assert_file

def test_with_content_in_a_file(client):
response = None
assert_file(response, 'path/to/file/with/expected/content')

You can mock current date-time.
import datetime
import module_where_datetime_is_used

_date_time_for_tests = datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 11, 15, 5, 5, 663979)

class DateTimeModuleMock:
class DateTimeMock(datetime.datetime):
def now(cls, tz=None):
return _date_time_for_tests.replace(tzinfo=tz)

class DateMock(
def today(cls):

timedelta = datetime.timedelta
timezone = datetime.timezone
datetime = DateTimeMock
date = DateMock

def test_date_mock(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(module_where_datetime_is_used, "datetime", DateTimeModuleMock)

How to install

python 3.6+ must be installed
Use pip to install module:

python -m pip install pytest_layab


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