pytest-nunit 1.0.7

Creator: railscoder56

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pytestnunit 1.0.7

A pytest plugin for generating NUnit3 test result XML output
- Pytest 5.1.0+
- Python 3.7+

Command-line options

A string value to set the file name of the generated XML file.
Argument takes a path to the output file, either relative, or absolute.

A string value to prefix all test case names the string provided.
Defaults to an empty string.

INI Options

Boolean value to include the system username in the test run properties.
Defaults to false

Boolean value to include the system user domain in the test run properties.
Defaults to false

(Deprecated, value ignored)
String value to set the test suite name.
Defaults to 'pytest'

Enumeration to control whether the attachments property is set on all test cases when the add_nunit_attachment is used.
Can be one of:

any - Include test attachments for all outcomes (Default)
pass - Include test attachments for only passed test cases
fail - Include test attachments for only failed test cases

The following fixtures are made available by this plugin.

Calling record_nunit_property(key: str, value: str) will result in Property tags being added to the test-case for the related node.
def test_basic(record_nunit_property):
record_nunit_property("test", "value")
assert 1 == 1

Add an attachment to a node test-case by calling the add_nunit_attachment(path: str, description: str) function with the filepath and a description.
def test_attachment(add_nunit_attachment):
pth = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'fixture.gif')
add_nunit_attachment(path, "peanut butter jelly time")
assert 1 == 1

Usage with Azure Pipelines
Add the following steps to your build job to publish the results to Azure Pipelines:
- script: "pip install pytest-nunit"

- script: |
python -m pytest tests -v --nunit-xml=test-results.xml
continueOnError: true

- task: PublishTestResults@2
testResultsFormat: NUnit
testResultsFiles: '**/test-results.xml'

Skipped Tests
Skipped tests will have the reason attribute (if provided) included in the results.

Using the add_nunit_attachment fixture will render any attachments in the “attachments” tab inside the Tests console:

Failures and xfails
Any failed tests, whether as xpass or xfail, will have the error output and comparison, as well as the failing line in the stack trace.

Compatibility with other plugins
When running with -f, make sure to add in your pytest config file (setup.cfg etc)
looponfailroots = testdir to exclude xml report files from being watched for changes.
Check looponfails


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