pytest-skip-markers 1.5.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pytestskipmarkers 1.5.2

What is Skip Markers
This pytest plugin was extracted from pytest-salt-factories. It’s a collection of
of useful skip markers created to simplify and reduce code required to skip tests in
some common scenarios, for example, platform specific tests.

Installing Skip Markers is as simple as:
python -m pip install pytest-skip-markers
And, that’s honestly it.

Once installed, you can now skip some tests with some simple pytest markers, for example.
import pytest

def test_on_linux():
assert True

The pytest-skip-markers project team welcomes contributions from the community.
For more detailed information, refer to CONTRIBUTING.

The full documentation can be seen here.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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