pytest-tiny-api-client 1.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pytesttinyapiclient 1.0.1


An official companion pytest plugin for the tiny-api-client library.
from my_api import MyClient

def test_my_client(api_call):
api_call.return_value = {"name": "Peter"}
user = MyClient().find_user(user_id=...)
assert == "Peter"

One of the problems with testing functions that have been decorated is that
decoration happens at import time, which means the decorators cannot
be patched within each test without having to re-import the modules.
This plugin will patch these decorators at import time, and allow you to patch
the implementation during testing. To make this easier, this plugin exposes the
api_call fixture, which is a unittest.mock.Mock object which can be used to
test your endpoint methods with fake data.
For more details on how to use this fixture, check the documentation.
pip install pytest-tiny-api-client

You can find the documentation at

This software is distributed under the Lesser General Public License v2.1, more information available at the Free Software Foundation.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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