python-commonkit 1.14.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pythoncommonkit 1.14.1

Common Kit

A collection of common utilities for use in Python projects.

Config: A wrapper for convenient, object-oriented use of configuration files.
Context Managers: A collection of managers that are especially useful for command line scripting, testing, and deployment activities.
CSV: Work with CSV files in an object-oriented manner.
Database: A database wrapper with convenient methods using natural language.
Dispatcher: Implements a simple signal-receiver pattern in object-oriented code.
Files: Various utilities for working with files.
Lists: Some simple functions for working with lists.
Logging: A helper for making Python logging easier to use.
Math: Some help. With math.
Platform: A light-weight detection tool for discovery information about the current operating system.
Pluggable: Implements a simple plugin pattern.
Shell: Various classes and utilities for creating and interacting with the command line, including command execution, consistent exit codes, colorized feedback, input prompts, and tables.
Strings: Various utilities for working with strings.
Types: Run-time data type detection and casting.
Utils: A collection of functions implementing common and some not-so-common operations in Python.
Watchers: A library for setting up a response to changes in files or directories.

Full documentation is available at:
To install without database support: pip install commonkit
To install all dependencies, use: pip install commonkit[all]

Note: All dependencies includes SQLAlchemy but not specific database drivers below.

Database Support
For database support: pip install commonkit[database] (supports SQLite by default)
Or for specific database engines:

MS SQL: pip install commonkit[mssql]
Oracle: pip install commonkit[oracle]
Postgres: pip install commonkit[pgsql]

Tablib is required for database export features: pip install tablib
Files and Strings
Files and strings make optional use of BeautifulSoup, Jinja2, Pygments, and unidecode:
pip install beautifulsoup4; # for strip_html_tags()
pip install jinja2; # for parse_jinja_string() and parse_jinja_template() and config when parsing files as templates
pip install pygments; # for highlight_code()
pip install unidecode; # for replace_non_ascii() and slug()

Or use pip install commonkit[strings] to install all of these dependencies.
Full shell support requires colorama and tabulate:
pip install colorama; for
pip install tabulate; for shell.tables

Or use pip install commonkit[shell].


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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