python-echo-streamserver 0.84

Creator: railscoderz

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pythonechostreamserver 0.84

This is a Python version of the Echo StreamServer API. See the Echo Developers Documentation.

Function Interface
The function interface provides each API as a simple module or package. The API uses the Default Account to contact Echo. For example, the Items API is echo.items and has the REST API methods.
>>> # Items API: Count EQL Query
>>> from echo import items, StreamServerError
>>> try:
>>> n = items.count("scope:http//\*")
>>> print "EQL Count: %d" % n
>>> except StreamServerError, e:
>>> print "Error: %s" % str(e)

Default Account
The Default Account is part of the echo.settings module. Set the Echo appkey and secret API_Keys there.


Client Interface
The Client interface provides each API as a class instance. The Client uses an Account object to contact Echo, or the default. For example, the Key-Value Store API is echo.kvs.Client and has the KVS API methods.
>>> # KVS Client API: Get a value for the key 'sample'.
>>> from echo import kvs, StreamServerError
>>> # Create a KVS client using the default account.
>>> client = kvs.Client()
>>> try:
>>> v = client.get('sample')
>>> print "KVS: %r" % v
>>> except StreamServerError, e:
>>> print "Error: %s" % str(e)

Account Objects
Each Client instance can use an Account object to contact Echo. This is required to support multiple Echo accounts.
>>> from echo import feeds, Account
>>> # Non-default account: Login Account.BasicAuth with no secret
>>> other_account = Account('', '', Account.BasicAuth)
>>> client = feeds.Client(account=other_account)

MUX Requests
The Items API supports MUX, or multiplexed requests. Several count and search requests can be combined into one REST call. The items.mux method sends a list of MuxRequest objects to Echo. See the Echo mux method documentation for the output format.
>>> from echo import items
>>> from echo.items.mux_api import MuxRequest
>>> # EQL Query String
>>> query_eql = "scope:\*"
>>> # Search Query (default)
>>> search = MuxRequest(query_eql)
>>> # Count Query
>>> count = MuxRequest(query_eql, api_method='count')
>>> # Form list of them for Mux API.
>>> requests = [ search, count ]
>>> # Send Mux API requests.
>>> r = items.mux(requests)

Echo Query Language Builder
There is an object-oriented Echo Query Language API to build query strings. An echo.eql.Query object may be passed to the Items API methods eql.items.count and rather than query text. Add echo.eql.filters to build on the query terms and produce a complete EQL query string.

EQL Syntax Limitations
This EQL Builder does not guarantee that the whole EQL text is valid. Each term is valid alone but Echo StreamServer still may reject the EQL string. EQL syntax rules limit how a Query and its filters can be constructed. Print the echo.eql.Query object to inspect its query string and reorder filter terms as necessary.

Query Method API
Build an echo.eql.Query object using method calls. Add echo.eql.filters.QueryFilter objects to limit the results. Most QueryFilter objects can be negated to exclude the term.
>>> from echo import eql
>>> q = eql.Query("", uri_filter='url')
>>> q.add_filter(eql.filters.ChildrenDepth(3))
>>> q.add_filter(eql.filters.TypeFilter('article'), negate=True)
>>> print "EQL> ", q
EQL> "url:"" children:3 -type:article"

Query Operator API
Add filters to an echo.eql.Query object using boolean operators. Read the echo.eql.filters documentation for more details.
>>> from echo import eql
>>> q = eql.Query("")
>>> # Exclude articles and notes with (-).
>>> q = q - eql.filters.TypeFilter(['article', 'note'])
>>> # Allow children up to depth 2.
>>> q + (eql.filters.ChildrenDepth(2))

echo.eql.Query Operators


plus +
q + r
Add filter r to query q.

minus -
q - r
Negate filter r on query q.

and &
q1 & q2
Combine queries q1 and q2.

pipe |
q1 | q2
Select query q1 or q2.

echo.eql.filters Operators


minus -
Negate filter r.

and &
r1 & r2
Combine filters r1 and r2.

pipe |
r1 | r2
Apply filter r1 or r2.


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