python-gist 0.10.6

Creator: railscoder56

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pythongist 0.10.6

‘gist’ is a command line interface for working with github gists. It provides
several methods for inspecting a users gists, and the ability to easily create

Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9 is required.

The preferred way to install ‘gist’ is from using pip (or pip3),
$ pip install python-gist
Alternatively, you can clone the repository and install it manually,
$ pip install .
The ‘share’ directory contains a set of shell scripts that provide tab
completion and fuzzy search for gist. There are 3 different scripts for
tab-completion in bash: gist.bash, gist-fzf.bash, and gist-fzsl.bash. The first
provides simple tab completion and can be enable by adding the following to
your .bashrc file,
source /usr/local/share/gist/gist.bash
The other scripts, gist-fzf.bash and fist-fzsl.bash, provide fuzzy matching of
gists using an ncurses interface (NB: these scripts require
fzf and fzsl,
The script provides tab completion for the fish shell, and should be
copied to ~/.config/fish/completions.
The gist.zsh script provides tab completion for the zsh shell, and should be
copied to ~/.zsh as _gist. If not already in your ~/.zshrc file, you should add
fpath=(${HOME}/.zsh $fpath)
To check that ‘gist’ is operating correctly, you can run the unit tests with,
$ make test
Note that running the unit tests requires poetry
to be available on your PATH.

Getting started
‘gist’ requires a personal access token for authentication. To create a token,
go to The token needs to then be added
to a ‘gist’ configuration file that should have the form,
token: <enter token here>
editor: <path to editor>
The editor field is optional. If the default editor is specified through some
other mechanism ‘gist’ will try to infer it. Otherwise, you can use the config
file to ensure that ‘gist’ uses the editor you want it to use.
If the token string begins with ! the text following is interpreted as a
shell command which, when executed, prints the token to stdout. For example:
token: !gpg --decrypt github-token.gpg
The configuration file must be in one of the following,
If more than one of these files exist, this is also the order of preference,
i.e. a configuration that is found in the ${XDG_DATA_HOME} directory will be
taken in preference to ${HOME}/.config/gist.
Also, ‘gist’ assumes that you have set up your github account to use SSH keys so
that you can access your repositories without needing to provide a password.
Here is a link on setting up SSH keys with github.

‘gist’ is intended to make it easy to manage and use github gists from the
command line. There are several commands available:
gist create - creates a new gist
gist edit - edit the files in your gist
gist description - updates the description of your gist
gist list - prints a list of your gists
gist clone - clones a gist
gist delete - deletes a gist or list of gists from github
gist files - prints a list of the files in a gist
gist archive - downloads a gist and creates a tarball
gist content - prints the content of the gist to stdout
gist info - prints detailed information about a gist
gist version - prints the current version
gist help - prints the help documentation
gist create
Most of the ‘gist’ commands are pretty simple and limited in what they can do.
‘gist create’ is a little different and offers more flexibility in how the user
can create the gist.
If you have a set of existing files that you want to turn into a gist,
$ gist create "divide et impera" foo.txt bar.txt
where the quoted string is the description of the gist. Or, you may find it
useful to create a gist from content on your clipboard (say, using xclip),
$ xclip -o | gist create "ipsa scientia potestas est"
Another option is to pipe the input into ‘gist create’ and have it automatically
put the content on github,
$ echo $(cat) | gist create "credo quia absurdum est"
Finally, you can just call,
$ gist create "a posse ad esse"
which will launch your default editor (defined by the EDITOR environment
In addition to creating gists using the above methods, it is also possible to
encrypt a gist if you have gnupg installed. Any of the above methods can be used
to create encrypted gists by simply adding the –encrypt flag to invocation.
For example,
$ gist create "arcana imperii" --encrypt
will open the editor allowing you to create the content of the gist, which is
then encrypted and added to github. See the Configuration section for
information on how to enable gnupg support.
gist edit
You can edit your gists directly with the ‘edit’ command. This command will
clone the gist to a temporary directory and open up the default editor (defined
by the EDITOR environment variable) to edit the files in the gist. When the
editor is exited the user is prompted to commit the changes, which are then
pushed back to the remote.
gist description
You can update the description of your gist with the ‘description’ command.
You need to supply the gist ID and the new description. For example -
$ gist description e1f5e95a1705cbfde144 "This is a new description"
gist list
Returns a list of your gists. The gists are returned as,
2b1823252e8433ef8682 - mathematical divagations
a485ee9ddf6828d697be - notes on defenestration
589071c7a02b1823252e + abecedarian pericombobulations
The first column is the gists unique identifier; The second column indicates
whether the gist is public (‘+’) or private (‘-‘); The third column is the
description in the gist, which may be empty.
gist clone
Clones a gist to the current directory. This command will clone any gist based
on its unique identifier (i.e. not just the users) to the current directory.
gist delete
Deletes the specified gists from github.
gist files
Returns a list of the files in the specified gist.
gist archive
Downloads the specified gist to a temporary directory and adds it to a tarball,
which is then moved to the current directory.
gist content
Writes the content of each file in the specified gist to the terminal, e.g.
$ gist content c971fca7997aed65ddc9
this is foo

this is bar
For each file in the gist the first line is the name of the file followed by a
colon, and then the content of that file is written to the terminal.
If a filename is given, only the content of the specified filename will be
$ gist content de42344a4ecb6250d6cea00d9da6d83a file1
content of file 1
If the contents of the gist is encrypted, it can be viewed in its decrypted
form by adding the –decrypt flag, e.g.
$ gist content --decrypt 8fe557fb3771aa74edfd
foo.txt.asc (decrypted):
this is a secret
See the Configuration section for information on how to enable gnupg support.
gist info
This command provides a complete dump of the information about the gist as a
JSON object. It is mostly useful for debugging.
gist version
Simply prints the current version.
gist help
Prints out the help documentation.

There are several parameters that can be added to a configuration file to
determine the behavior of gist. The configuration file itself is expected to
be one of the following paths,
The configuration file follows the .ini style. The following is an example,
token: dde7b84d1e0edf7454ab354934b6ab36b01bf00f
editor: /usr/bin/vim
gnupg-homedir: /home/user/.gnupg
gnupg-fingerprint: 179F9650D9FC1BFE391620B4B13A7829D8DE8623
delete-tempfiles: False
The only essential field in the configuration file is the token. This is the
authentication token from github that grants gist permission to access your
gists. The editor is the editor to use if the EDITOR environment is not set or
you wish to use a different editor. ‘gnupg-homedir’ is the directory where your
gnupg data are stored, and ‘gnupg-fingerprint’ is the fingerprint of the key to
use to encrypt data in your gists. Both gnupg fields are required to support
The ‘delete-tempfiles’ option is used when gists are created from an editor.
The editor writes its contents to a temporary file, which is deleted by
default. The default behavior can be overridden by using the ‘delete-tempfiles’

Thank you to the following people for contributing to ‘gist’!

Eren Inan Canpolat (
Kaan Genç (
Eric James Michael Ritz (
Karan Parikh (
Konstantin Krastev (
Brandon Davidson (
jq170727 (
jsbronder (
hugsy (
Kenneth Benzie (
rtfmoz2 (


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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