python-hackrf 1.1.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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pythonhackrf 1.1.1

python_hackrf is a cython wrapper for hackrf (
You can install this library using
pip install python_hackrf

Or assemble it manually using the following steps:
In order to build the library you need to go to the python_hackrf directory
cd python_hackrf

python build_ext --inplace.

If the build fails, you will need to specify the paths for the libusb library.
CFLAGS="-I/path to libusb.h" \
LDFLAGS="-L/path to" \
python build_ext --inplace


libusb-1.0 (
Scipy (optional, for faster work)
pyFFTW (optional, for faster work)

Almost all the functionality of the standard library is implemented. Some features will be added later. (operacake).
hackrf tools:

hackrf_clock.c (Not implemented)
hackrf_cpldjtag.c (Not implemented)
hackrf_debug.c (Not implemented. But functions for this are implemented)
hackrf_info.c (Implemented + additionally added output of only serial numbers)
hackrf_operacake.c (Not implemented and the functions are also not implemented. Will be added in the future)
hackrf_spiflash.c (Not implement. I won’t implement them because this is a dangerous zone)
hackrf_sweep.c (Implemented)
hackrf_transfer.c (Not implemented. Will be added in the future)

usage: python_hackrf [-h] {info, sweep, operacake} ...

python_hackrf is a Python wrapper for libhackrf and hackrf-tools.

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Available commands:
info Read device information from HackRF such as serial number and firmware version.
operacake Specify either list, mode, or GPIO test option.
sweep a command-line spectrum analyzer.

usage: python_hackrf info [-h] [-f] [-s]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --full show info like in hackrf_info
-s, --serial_numbers show only founded serial_numbers

usage: python_hackrf sweep [-h] [-d] [-a] [-f] [-p] [-l] [-g] [-w] [-1] [-N] [-B] [-s] [-SR] [-BF] [-r]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d serial_number. serial number of desired HackRF
-a amp_enable. RX RF amplifier. If specified = Enable
-f freq_min:freq_max. minimum and maximum frequencies in MHz start:stop or start1:stop1,start2:stop2 (MAX_SWEEP_RANGES = 10)
-p antenna_enable. Antenna port power. If specified = Enable
-l gain_db. RX LNA (IF) gain, 0 - 40dB, 8dB steps
-g gain_db. RX VGA (baseband) gain, 0 - 62dB, 2dB steps
-w bin_width. FFT bin width (frequency resolution) in Hz, 245-5000000 Depends on sample rate min= sample rate * 1e6 / 8180, max = sample_rate
* 1e6 / 4
-1 one shot mode. If specified = Enable
-N num_sweeps. Number of sweeps to perform
-B binary output. If specified = Enable
-s sweep style ("L" - LINEAR, "I" - INTERLEAVED). Default is INTERLEAVED
-SR sample rate in Hz (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20). Default is 20000000
-BF baseband filter bandwidth in Hz (1.75, 2.5, 3.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 15.0 20.0, 24.0, 28.0). Default is
-r filename. output file

usage: python_hackrf operacake [-h] [-d] [-o] [-m] [-a] [-b] [-f] [-t] [-w] [-l] [-g]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d serial_number. serial number of desired HackRF
-o , --address specify a particular Opera Cake by address. Default is 0
-m , --mode specify switching mode [options: manual, frequency, time]
-a set port connected to port A0
-b set port connected to port B0
-f <port:min:max> or <port:min:max>,<port:min:max> automatically assign <port> for range <min:max> in MHz.
-t <port:dwell> or <port:dwell>,<port:dwell> in time mode, dwell on <port> for <dwell> samples. Specify only <port> to use the default
dwell time (with -w).
-w set default dwell time in samples for time mode
-l, --list list available Opera Cake boards
-g, --gpio_test test GPIO functionality of an Opera Cake

This library can work on android. To do this, go to the android directory and download two recipes for p4a.
Examples will be added later.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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