python-leetchi 0.3.10

Creator: railscoderz

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pythonleetchi 0.3.10

==============python-leetchi==============python-leetchi is a client library to work with `mangopay <>`_api (formely `leetchi <>`_).Installation------------python-leetchi requires requests_, pycrypto_ and blinker_ to work... _requests: _pycrypto: _blinker: install it, simply :: pip install python-leetchiInspiration-----------The data model of python-leetchi is highly inspired by `peewee <>`_.Documentation-------------For documentation, usage, and examples, see: the wild-----------This library has been developed for the need of `Ulule <>`_.0.3.8 - 2014-06-16==================- Add keep alive feature from requests to store the http session (thanks to Stéphane Planquart)- Improve error logging (thanks to Stéphane Planquart)0.3.7 - 2014-04-23==================- Change the way we handle status codes and errors, reverse orders which only returns pure objects when status are mostly ok0.3.6 - 2014-03-12==================- Add Contribution.payment_method_type missing property0.3.5 - 2014-02-18==================- Add DetailPaymentCard.expiration_date_converted property which translate expiration_date format in pure date python object0.3.4 - 2014-01-30==================- Add DetailPaymentCard resource which is a OneToOne from Contribution to retrieve payment card information0.3.2 - 2013-12-16==================- Fix AmountField when amount is None0.3.1 - 2013-11-14==================- Add json response when accessible in APIError and DecodeError exceptions0.3 - 2013-09-17================- Add immediate and recurrent contribution, thanks to nidusfr- Add answer_code and answer_message in Contribution, thanks to splanquart- Port to Python 3.3, thanks to ebewe0.2.15 - 2013-06-21===================- Add beneficiary attribute to Withdrawal resource0.2.14 - 2013-06-20===================- Add Beneficiary resource0.2.13 - 2013-06-18===================- ``handler`` is now not required in save method if the instance has been retrieved0.2.12 - 2013-06-05===================- Fix inherited models representations- Add related_name for all foreign keys- Provide a way to override urls when processing api requests.- Add OneToOneField for StrongAuthentication- Add request_error signal- Laps timing is now sent in request_finished signal0.2.11 - 2013-05-29===================- Add support for date < 1900 with safe converter0.2.10 - 2013-05-05===================- Rewrite exceptions handling0.2.9 - 2013-05-04==================- Catch ConnectionError when connection is reset by peer0.2.8 - 2013-04-30==================- Add DateField for User.birthday attribute- Add choices and default attributes to Field class0.2.7 - 2013-04-18==================- Add model inheritance in ApiObjectBase0.2.6.1 - 2013-04-18====================- Fix typo in WithdrawalContribution for amount_declared0.2.6 - 2013-04-17==================- Added WithdrawalContribution resource0.2.5 - 2013-04-15==================- Signals handling via blinker- Added **request_finished** signal to add a callback when a request is finished- Added **request_started** signal to add a callback when a request is starting- Added **pre_save** signal to add a callback when a new resource will be created- Added **post_save** signal to add a callback when a new resource is created0.2.4 - 2012-07-24==================- Added **culture** parameter to Contribution to specify the languageused in payment.0.2.3 - 2012-07-23==================- Added time between the beginning and the end of the requests in logger.0.2.2 - 2012-06-28==================- Removed imports in ``, use modules instead.0.2.1 - 2012-06-20==================- Added **type** attribute in Contribution resource to set the type of thetransacti n.0.2 - 2012-02-03================- Added better support for handling errors.- Added new resources: PaymentCard, TransferRefund, Refund.- Added **host** optional parameter to LeetchiAPI object.- Fix bugs: reuse the timestamp to generate host and auth signature.- Added AmountField and its descriptor to convert cts.0.1 - 2011-11-09================- Initial release


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