python-libmt94x 0.3.4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pythonlibmt94x 0.3.4

MT940/MT942 is a text based data file format used in bank account statements
(commonly used by banks in the Netherlands). A bank account statement contains
your account balance as well as a listing of all the transactions between a
given start date and end date.
This library provides an API to define and serialize MT940/MT942 documents in
Python. It does not provide a parser.

Install using pip:
$ pip install python-libmt94x


Creating MT940 documents
libmt94x implements two ING-defined dialects of MT940:

Mijn ING Zakelijk (dubbed ming),
Inside Business Payments (dubbed ibp).

No matter which dialect your are using you first need to construct an
MT940Document and then use the appropriate method to write it out
to the target dialect:
from libmt94x.document import Mt940Document
from libmt94x.fields import AccountIdentification
# ...snip...
from libmt94x.fields import TransactionReferenceNumber
from libmt94x.serializer import Mt94xSerializer
from libmt94x.writer import Mt94xWriter

serializer = Mt94xSerializer()
writer = Mt94xWriter(serializer)

doc = Mt940Document(
account_identification=AccountIdentification('NL69INGB0123456789', 'EUR'),
# ...snip...

# to write using the ``ming`` dialect
bytestring = writer.write_document_ming(doc)

# to write using the ``ibp`` dialect
bytestring = writer.write_document_ibp(doc)

How to find more info

For more details on the API and compatibility issues see docs/design.rst.
For example MT940 documents see tests/examples/.
For fully fledged code examples see the tests in

Developing on libmt94x

Running tests
It is recommended that you use a virtualenv when working on libmt94x. To run
tests you will first need to install the development dependencies, which
include tox:
$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Now run the tests using tox (this will invoke py.test inside the tox-managed
virtual test environment):
$ tox
This will run tests, collect test coverage and run the style checker
flake8. For a more lightweight test run you can run pytest directly:
$ py.test

Please see CONTRIBUTING.rst for guidelines on how to contribute to libmt94x.


0.3.4 (2016-07-11)

Updating package metadata (no code changes).

0.3.3 (2016-07-11)

First release to PyPI.

0.3.2 (2016-06-27)

Add README.txt and HISTORY.rst to long_description for display on
ginger devpi.

0.3.1 (2016-05-13)

Use standard packaging and testing conventions in this package.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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