python-omegle 1.1.6

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pythonomegle 1.1.6

Python-Omegle is an unofficial Python API for the Omegle text chat service.
Features include:

A high level, object-oriented API;
An interface to three different types of chats;
Support for over 90 languages;
Simple library design with great extensibility.

Python-Omegle was originally written in Python 3.6, and is confirmed to
work on Python 3.6, but likely works on all Python 3 releases.

Getting Started

Python-Omegle relies on the Requests library to function properly.
If you don’t have Requests installed yet, pip will install it
automatically. Alternatively, you can install it yourself.

Installing Python-Omegle is very easy! Simply run:
pip install python-omegle
… or for a pip3 install:
pip3 install python-omegle

Running the tests
Some basic tests can be found in the ‘tests’ directory. Each chat type has its
own class and therefore its own testing file. Let’s test one of the classes:
cd tests/
If you wish to test all classes at once, simply run the following:

Once you’ve installed Python-Omegle, it’s time to take a look at
the documentation, where you will find a step by step tutorial,
some example programs and a complete API reference.

Python-Omegle is licensed under the MIT license. The full license
text can be found here.

I can in no way be held responsible for your actions with regards to Python-Omegle.
Python-Omegle exists for educational purposes only. Use this tool responsibly.
Do not use it to engage in illegal activities, and do not use it to spam the Omegle
website. Also take a look at the Omegle terms of service, at the bottom of the page.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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