python-pfb-sdk 0.0.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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pythonpfbsdk 0.0.1

# python-pfb-sdk
Python scripts used to modify PFB files
## PFB Editing Scripts
### Add Field
Adds a new field to the specified node for the specified pfb file as of right now this is only limited to string and int with enum supported later
This writes to a new file new.pfb

usage: [-h] PFB_file parentField field fieldType fieldDefault
Add a new field to PFB schema

positional arguments:
PFB_file pfb file to add record to. Default = test.pfb
parentField parent of field wanting to add to schema
field field to add to the schema
fieldType type for new field
fieldDefault default value for new field

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

Example usage

command line usage:
python test.pfb

python usage:
import reader“test.pfb”)

### Remove Field
removes a field from pfb file to a new file (rm.pfb)

usage: [-h] PFB_file parentField field
Remove a field from PFB schema and output to new file “rm.pfb”

positional arguments:
PFB_file pfb file to remove field from. Default = test.pfb
parentField parent of field wanting to remove from schema
field field to remove to the schema

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

Example usage

command line usage:
python test.pfb demographic gender

python usage:
import removeField
removeField.remove(“test.pfb”, “simple_germline_variation”, “data_category”)

### Add Record
Adds new record(s) to the pfb file from a json file

usage: [-h] PFB_file JSON_file
Add a record to PFB file from a minified JSON file

positional arguments:
PFB_file pfb file to add record to. Default = test.pfb
JSON_file JSON file to add into the pfb file. Default = test.json

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

Exapmle Usage

command line usage:
python test.pfb test.json

python usage
import addRecord
addRecord.add(“test.pfb”, “test.json”)

### Reader
Used to read the records from pfb file records]

usage: [-h] PFB_file
Read a PFB file in json format

positional arguments:
PFB_file pfb file to add record to. Default = test.pfb

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

Example Usage

command line usage:
python test.pfb

python usage:
import reader“test.pfb”)

### Make Blank Record
Make a blank json record for specific pfb schema to blank.json files

usage: [-h] PFB_file node
Create a blank record from a pfb schema

positional arguments:
PFB_file pfb file to read schema from
node Node to add record to

optional arguments:

-h, --help
show this help message and exit

Example Usage

command line usage:
python test.pfb demographic

python usage:
import makeBlankRecord
makeBlankRecord.makeRecord(“test.pfb”, “simple_germline_variation”)


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