python-poseur 0.4.3

Creator: railscoder56

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pythonposeur 0.4.3


Write positional-only parameters in Python 3.8 flavour, and let poseur worry about back-port issues :beer:

  Since PEP 570, Python introduced positional-only parameters
syntax in version 3.8. For those who wish to use positional-only parameters in their code, poseur provides an
intelligent, yet imperfect, solution of a backport compiler by removing positional-only parameters syntax whilst
introducing a decorator for runtime checks, which guarantees you to always write positional-only parameters in Python
3.8 flavour then compile for compatibility later.

Note that poseur only supports Python versions since 3.3 🐍

  For macOS users, poseur is now available through Homebrew:
brew tap jarryshaw/tap
brew install poseur
# or simply, a one-liner
brew install jarryshaw/tap/poseur

  Simply run the following to install the current version from PyPI:
pip install poseur

  Or install the latest version from the git repository:
git clone
cd poseur
pip install -e .
# and to update at any time
git pull

Basic Usage
  It is fairly straightforward to use poseur:

context in ${...} changes dynamically according to runtime environment

usage: poseur [options] <python source files and folders...>

Back-port compiler for Python 3.8 positional-only parameters.

positional arguments:
SOURCE python source files and folders to be converted (${CWD})

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-q, --quiet run in quiet mode

archive options:
duplicate original files in case there's any issue

-n, --no-archive do not archive original files
-p PATH, --archive-path PATH
path to archive original files (${CWD}/archive)

convert options:
compatibility configuration for non-unicode files

-c CODING, --encoding CODING
encoding to open source files (${LOCALE_ENCODING})
-v VERSION, --python VERSION
convert against Python version (${LATEST_VERSION})
-s SEP, --linesep SEP
line separator to process source files (${OS_LINESEP})
-d, --dismiss dismiss runtime checks for positional-only parameters
-nl, --no-linting do not lint converted codes
-r VAR, --decorator VAR
name of decorator for runtime checks (${DECORATOR})
-t INDENT, --tabsize INDENT
indentation tab size (4)

  poseur will read then convert all positional-only parameters syntax in every Python
file under this path. In case there might be some problems with the conversion, poseur will
duplicate all original files it is to modify into archive directory ahead of the process,
if -n not set.
  Besides, to keep consistency of API to users, poseur ships with a decorator for
such functions to check positional-only parameters at runtime, if -nl not set.
Developer Reference
poseur currently supports three environment arguments:

POSEUR_QUIET -- run in quiet mode (same as --quiet option in CLI)
POSEUR_VERSION -- convert against Python version (same as --python option in CLI)
POSEUR_ENCODING -- encoding to open source files (same as --encoding option in CLI)
POSEUR_LINESEP -- line separator to process source files (same as --linesep option in CLI)
POSEUR_DISMISS -- dismiss runtime checks for positional-only arguments (same as --dismiss option in CLI)
POSEUR_LINTING -- lint converted codes (same as --linting option in CLI)
POSEUR_DECORATOR -- name of decorator for runtime checks (same as --decorator option in CLI)
POSEUR_TABSIZE -- indentation tab size (same as --tabsize option in CLI)

poseur -- wrapper works for conversion


filename -- str, file to be converted


POSEUR_QUIET -- run in quiet mode (same as --quiet option in CLI)
POSEUR_ENCODING -- encoding to open source files (same as --encoding option in CLI)
POSEUR_VERSION-- convert against Python version (same as --python option in CLI)
POSEUR_LINESEP -- line separator to process source files (same as --linesep option in CLI)
POSEUR_DISMISS -- dismiss runtime checks for positional-only arguments (same as --dismiss option in CLI)
POSEUR_LINTING -- lint converted codes (same as --linting option in CLI)
POSEUR_DECORATOR -- name of decorator for runtime checks (same as --decorator option in CLI)
POSEUR_TABSIZE -- indentation tab size (same as --tabsize option in CLI)


ConvertError -- when source code contains syntax errors

convert -- the main conversion process
convert(string, source='<unknown>')


string -- str, context to be converted
source -- str, source of the context


POSEUR_VERSION -- convert against Python version (same as --python option in CLI)
POSEUR_LINESEP -- line separator to process source files (same as --linesep option in CLI)
POSEUR_DISMISS -- dismiss runtime checks for positional-only arguments (same as --dismiss option in CLI)
POSEUR_LINTING -- lint converted codes (same as --linting option in CLI)
POSEUR_DECORATOR -- name of decorator for runtime checks (same as --decorator option in CLI)
POSEUR_TABSIZE -- indentation tab size (same as --tabsize option in CLI)


str -- converted string


ConvertError -- when source code contains syntax errors

Internal exceptions
class ConvertError(SyntaxError):
"""Parso syntax error."""

class EnvironError(EnvironmentError):
"""Invalid environment."""

  Contributions are very welcome, especially fixing bugs and providing test cases.
Note that code must remain valid and reasonable.
See Also



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