python-searchlightclient 2.1.1

Creator: codyrutscher

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pythonsearchlightclient 2.1.1

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OpenStack Indexing and Search API Client Library
This is a client library for Searchlight built on the Searchlight API. It
provides a Python API (the searchlightclient module) and a command-line
tool (searchlight).
The project is hosted on Storyboard, where bugs can be filed. The code is
hosted on OpenStack git repository. Patches must be submitted using
Gerrit, not git repo
pull requests.
python-searchlightclient is licensed under the Apache License like the rest of


Install the client from PyPI
Setup the client from source
Command-line API
Python API

Install the client from PyPI
The program python-searchlightclient package is published on PyPI and
so can be installed using the pip tool, which will manage installing all
python dependencies:
$ pip install python-searchlightclient

The packages on PyPI may lag behind the git repo in functionality.

Setup the client from source

Clone repository for python-searchlightclient:
$ git clone
$ cd python-searchlightclient

Setup a virtualenv

This is an optional step, but will allow Searchlightclient’s dependencies
to be installed in a contained environment that can be easily deleted
if you choose to start over or uninstall Searchlightclient.

$ tox -evenv --notest
Activate the virtual environment whenever you want to work in it.
All further commands in this section should be run with the venv active:
$ source .tox/venv/bin/activate

When ALL steps are complete, deactivate the virtualenv: $ deactivate

Install Searchlightclient and its dependencies:
(venv) $ python develop

Command-line API
Set Keystone environment variables to execute CLI commands against searchlight.

To execute CLI commands:
$ export OS_USERNAME=<user>
$ export OS_PASSWORD=<password>
$ export OS_TENANT_NAME=<project>
$ export OS_AUTH_URL='http://localhost:5000/v2.0/'

With devstack you just need to $ source openrc <user> <project>. And you can
work with a local installation by passing –os-token <TOKEN> and –os-url
http://localhost:9393. You can also set up a Openstackclient config file
to work with the CLI.

$ openstack
(openstack) search resource type list
| Name | Type |
| OS::Designate::RecordSet | OS::Designate::RecordSet |
| OS::Designate::Zone | OS::Designate::Zone |
| OS::Glance::Image | OS::Glance::Image |
| OS::Glance::Metadef | OS::Glance::Metadef |
| OS::Nova::Server | OS::Nova::Server |
Here are the full list of subcommands, Use -h to see options:


search facet list
List Searchlight Facet

search resource type list
List Searchlight Resource Type (Plugin)

search query
Search Searchlight resource

Python API
To use with keystone as the authentication system:
>>> from keystoneclient.auth.identity import generic
>>> from keystoneclient import session
>>> from searchlightclient import client
>>> auth = generic.Password(auth_url=OS_AUTH_URL, username=OS_USERNAME, password=OS_PASSWORD, tenant_name=OS_TENANT_NAME)
>>> keystone_session = session.Session(auth=auth)
>>> sc = client.Client('1', session=keystone_session)
>>> sc.resource_types.list()

License: Apache License, Version 2.0

There are multiple test targets that can be run to validate the code.

tox -e pep8 - style guidelines enforcement
tox -e py36 - traditional unit testing with python 3.6
tox -e py37 - traditional unit testing with python 3.7


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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