python-telegram-handler-proxy 1.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pythontelegramhandlerproxy 1.0.2

python-telegram-handler-proxy***********************Original package you bro \m/Installation============Via pip:.. code-block:: shell pip install python-telegram-handler-proxyUsage=====Register a new telegram bot and obtain a ``authentication token``. (Instructions here that, you must obtain a ``chat_id``. You can do that using included simple script. Start a new conversation with newly created bot, write something to it (it is important to initiate conversation first).Also, there is an ability for handler to automatically retrieve ``chat_id``. This will be done on handler initialization. But you still have to start a conversation with bot. Be aware: if program stops, server restarts, or something else will happen - handler will try to retrieve chat id from telegram, and may fail, if it will not find a NEW message from you. So i recommend you to use a script below for obtaining chat id. Then run a command:.. code-block:: shell python -m telegram_handler_proxy <your token here> If all went ok, a ``chat_id`` will be printed to stdout.Using ``token`` and ``chat_id``, configure log handler in your desired way.For example, using dictConfig:.. code-block:: python { 'version': 1, 'handlers': { 'telegram': { 'class': 'telegram_handler_proxy.TelegramHandler', 'token': 'your token', 'chat_id': 'chat id', 'proxy_url': 'url', 'proxy_port': None } }, 'loggers': { 'my_logger': { 'handlers': ['telegram'], 'level': 'DEBUG' } } }Formatting==========Currently the format of sent messages is very simple: ``<code>%(asctime)s</code> <b>%(levelname)s</b>\nFrom %(name)s:%(funcName)s\n%(message)s``Exception traceback will be formatted as pre-formatted fixed-width code block. ( you want to tweak it, configure a ``telegram_handler_proxy.HtmlFormatter`` with your desired format string.Using a dictConfig:.. code-block:: python ... { 'formatters': { 'telegram': { 'class': 'telegram_handler_proxy.HtmlFormatter', 'fmt': '%(levelname)s %(message)s' } } 'handlers': { 'telegram': { 'class': 'telegram_handler_proxy.TelegramHandler', 'formatter': 'telegram', 'token': 'your token', 'chat_id': 'chat id', 'proxy_url': 'url', 'proxy_port': None } } } ...If you wish, you can enable emoji symbols in HtmlFormatter. Just specify `use_emoji=True` in HtmlFormatter settings.This will add to levelname a :white_circle: for DEBUG, :large_blue_circle: for INFO, and :red_circle: for WARNING and ERROR levels. .. :changelog:History-------2.0.2 (2017-11-20)++++++++++++++++++* fix TypeError in HtmlFormatter.format (by tompipen)2.0 (2017-03-01)++++++++++++++++* Refactored HtmlFormatter and MarkdownFormatter* Refactored TelegramHandler* No more need to call a command to obtain a chat_id - it will be obtained automatically on handler init* Rewritten tests* Escape LogRecord things in HtmlFormatter* Added optional emoji symbols in HtmlFormatter.1.1.3 (2016-09-22)++++++++++++++++++* Setting escape_message field of StyledFormatter missed (@ihoru)1.1.2 (2016-05-13)++++++++++++++++++* Fixed requires option (changed to install_requires)1.1.1 (2016-04-20)++++++++++++++++++* Use HTML Formatter as default formatter for telegram handler1.1.0 (2016-04-20)++++++++++++++++++* Introduced HTML Formatter* Added log text escaping (closed #3)* Added requests timeout setting (closed #1)* Catching and logging all requests and their exceptions (closed #2)1.0.0 (2016-04-19)++++++++++++++++++* First PyPi release0.1.0 (2016-04-19)++++++++++++++++++* Initial release


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