python-vtonimat 0.12

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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pythonvtonimat 0.12

A python package for Binary Segmentation DataSet ( vton_plus and imaterialist [topwear])
📚 PyPi Project Documentation 📚
Download dataset
Note - This step can be performed after installing package as well.
Download dataset from following drive and unzip it.
Install package
Installation with pypi
pip3 install python-vtonimat

Installation from source
git clone
python3 install

Set path to use package outside directory
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/path_to_github-clone-package/package/package/"

Usage Guide
There are two datasets this package focuses on


vton dataset
default option for dataset is vton. Follow the following commands to load data. assign path value to the folder where data is downloaded and unzipped.
Load whole data
from vtonimat import SegData
images, labels = SegData(path='path_to_datafiles').load_training()

Load batchwise dataset
Load by batches. Following command returns list of batches. Batch size is input parameter in method load_training_in_batches.
Load whole data
from vton import SegData
images, labels = SegData().load_training_in_batches(1000)

imaterialist'19 topwear dataset
from vtonimat import SegData
images, labels = SegData(path='path_to_datafiles', dataset='imat19').load_training()

Load batchwise dataset
Load by batches. Following command returns list of batches. Batch size is input parameter in method load_training_in_batches.
from vton import SegData
images, labels = SegData().load_training_in_batches(1000)

There is a python file to convert dataset to ubyte format the dataset you downloaded from google drive link. This file converts 3D images and 2D labels images to ubyte format.
Usage to convert data
python3 train 0 #0 is ratio, which means whole data is converted to train. you can add proportions.
python3 test 0

This package is still in progress. If you find any issue please feel free to contact or create a new issue. You are welcome to contribute in this project.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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