python-watcher_metering_vsphere 0.21.13

Creator: railscoder56

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pythonwatcher metering vsphere 0.21.13

========================Watcher Metering vSphere========================Introduction============Watcher Metering vSphere provides a set of metric-pulling drivers extending the`Watcher Metering`_ project which is used to collect system metrics from a`vSphere datacenter`_ before publishing them to a given store.To sum up, Watcher Metering service is composed by 2 modules:- The ``Agent`` who collects the desired metrics and sends it to a publisher.- The ``Publisher`` who gathers measurements from one or more agent and pushes them to the desired store.Drivers easily extend metrics collecting features of Agent (we use `stevedore`_ library for managing plugins).This project is part of the Watcher_ project... _Watcher Metering: _Watcher: _stevedore: _vSphere datacenter: started===============System requirements-------------------Watcher Metering packages must be installed before installing the drivers.Please follow the installation procedure of the `Watcher Metering`_ project first.Installation------------To install this package, just use *pip*:.. code-block:: shell # pip install python-watcher_metering_vsphereActivate a driver-----------------Within your Watcher Metering Agent configuration file ``/etc/watcher-metering/watcher-metering-agent.conf``,add the name of the driver entry point, in the ``[agent]`` section, you wish to enable.As an example, if you wish to acticate both the ``vsphere_mem_usage`` and the``vsphere_cpu_usage`` drivers, just edit the aforementioned configuration file likethis:.. code-block:: ini [agent] driver_names = vsphere_mem_usage, vsphere_cpu_usageAfter updating the configuration file, you have to `restart the Watcher Metering Agent`_... _restart the Watcher Metering Agent: configuration====================To find out about the available drivers, please refer to the `vSphere drivers configuration`_ pageEach driver can be also configurable by adding a dedicated section named``[metrics_driver.driver_name]`` in a configuration file loaded by the WatcherMetering Agent. Such a file is self documented, so you will find in it alldriver configuration documentation.You will find a sample by editing the file `etc/watcher-metering-vsphere/watcher-metering-vsphere.conf.sample`_.. _vSphere drivers configuration: _etc/watcher-metering/watcher-metering-vsphere.conf.sample: etc/watcher-metering/watcher-metering-vsphere.conf.sample


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