PythonColorize 0.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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PythonColorize 0.2

PythonColorize ============== Simple module to colorize text on terminal Install :: sudo pip3 install PythonColorize DOC === Colors | Styles | --------|--------------------| black | bold | red | dark | green | underline | yellow | negative | blue | hide | magenta | | cyan | | white | | Params | Result | --------|--------------------| bg_ | background | lg_ | light | bg_lg_ | background & Light | Module function =============== Get color :: PythonColorize.colors.<[param][style]_>[name] <.> Optional Colorize :: PythonColorize.colorize(text=[text], color=[color], style=[style], light=[True|False], background=[True|False])`


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