pythonlangutil 0.1

Creator: railscoderz

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pythonlangutil 0.1

This library provides utilities to use features of other languages in Python.

You can find a functional example of each feature in the examples directory. Test cases in tests directory run on top of
these examples to ensure the functionality.

Access Modifiers
To identify a variable as private::
from pythonlangutil.access_modifiers import private_variable

class PrivateVariableTest(object):
def __init__(self): = "123"

def __setattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return object.__setattr__(self, *args, **kwargs)

def insider(self): = "321"
To identify a method as private::
from pythonlangutil.access_modifiers import private_function

class PrivateFunctionTest(object):
def __init__(self):

def private_method(self):
return 'called from inside my own class'

def insider(self):
return self.private_method()

Creating Overloads
To create overloads::
from pythonlangutil.overload import Overload, signature

class OverloadTest():
def __init__(self):
self.male_pref = "Mr. %s"
self.female_pref = "Ms. %s"
self.general_pref = "Dear %s"

@signature("str", "bool")
def my_method(self, name, male):
if male:
return self.male_pref % name
return self.female_pref % name

def my_method(self, name):
return self.general_pref % name

@signature("int", "str")
def my_method(self, times, name):
return "\n".join([self.general_pref % name for i in range(times)])

Using Singleton Model
It prevents the instantiation of the class. The only instance of the class will be accessible through
get_instance() method which will be added to class automatically.
To use singleton::
from pythonlangutil.singleton import Singleton

class SingletonTest():
def __init__(self):


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