PythonProtector 1.8

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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PythonProtector 1.8


A modern, easy to use and feature-rich way to protect your Python Programs.

Completely Configurable Module System
Completely Configurable On Detection System
Encrypted Logging System With Remote Uploading
Discord Webhook Support
Clean, Optimized Code
Constant Updates

Python 3.11 or higher is required
Install The PyPi Version:
py -3 -m pip install -U PythonProtector

You may also install the development version:
pip install git+

Quick Example:
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Thread

from pyprotector import PythonProtector

# -- Define Constants
Path.home() / "AppData/Roaming/PythonProtector/logs/[Security].log"
) # -- This can be any path

# -- Construct Class
security = PythonProtector(

# -- Main Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
SecurityThread = Thread(
name="Python Protector", target=security.start
) # -- Start Before Any Other Code Is Run
# Other Code

You can find more examples in the examples directory.
Files and Explanations
├──.github — GitHub configuration including CI/CD workflows
├──.vscode — VSCode Related Settings
├──data — Data Files Needed By PythonProtector
├──examples — Examples Showing How To Use PythonProtector
├──pyprotector — Source Code Of PythonProtector
├──scripts — Scripts Used In The Development Process

Official Discord Server

Made With ❤️ By ghoul#1337 and Marci#0101

1.0 - 2022-09-18
Release Initial Project
1.1 - 2022-12-28
So It's been kind of a while since we released a new update, I had some pretty big stuff going on irl, no time to code, just recently came back and decided to make some updates.

Completely Configurable Module System - Users now have the choice of deciding what modules they use, currently there are only the main 4 me and marci provide, but we are open to pull requests and we will be adding more in the future, do check the repository or the example for more information.

should_exit argument - gives users the ability to decide if the program should exit if one of the detections were raised.

Overall Improvement/Refactoring - This update didn't bring everything me and marci are planning for, but this is just a couple, in the update I made to sure to cover some edge cases so you guys don't get confused

1.5 - 2023-01-05
I know this is a pretty quick release, and the jump from 1.1 to 1.5 but I felt it was only necessary with the amount of changes made.
Major Changes:

Encrypted Logging - Instead of logs that anybody can read, logs are now encrypted at runtime and are only decrypted if malicious activity is detected

AntiAnalysis - Thanks to the work of Marci, a new module has been made!, this one comes with some pretty neat features, be sure to check it out

New On Detection System / on_detect - Similarly to the new configurable module system, I've gone ahead and done the same with what happens when malicious activity is detected, check out the examples for how it's used

Minor Changes

Updated Minimum Python Requirement To 3.11

Refactoring and Misc Improvements

1.6 - 2023-01-07
Minor bump for bug that didn't allow importing.
1.7 - 2023-01-25
Major Changes

Live Documentation - Docs are now public at

Event System - Event System, see docs for more info

Minor Changes

Miscellaneous Changes/Refactoring - For A Better User Experience

1.8 0 2023-02-11
Major Changes

Anti Dump - New Anti Dump Module

Minor Changes

Miscellaneous Changes/Refactoring - For A Better User Experience
Bug Fixes - Many Bug Fixes For Edge Cases


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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