pytmosph3r 2.2.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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pytmosph3r 2.2.0

Pytmosph3R is a Python-3 library that computes transmission spectra based on 3D atmospheric simulations, for example performed with the LMDZ generic global climate model.


Installing from PyPI
Pytmosph3r is available on the PyPI repository. You can install the latest version avaible with:
pip install pytmosph3r

Don't forget to install numpy beforehand.
Installing from source
If you intend to develop or get the latest (unreleased) developments, you can clone (and move in) the current repository and then install Pytmosph3R using:
pip install -e .

Don't forget to update pip if errors are raised.
To generate the documentation, you will need to install the following packages:
pip install nbsphinx sphinx-autoapi sphinx_rtd_theme sphinxcontrib-bibtex sphinx-argparse
conda install sphinx pandoc # installs more (required) dependencies than pip

You can then generate the documentation by running:
python doc

(or by simply running make in the doc/ folder). The documentation will be generated in the doc/html folder (you can open the index.html file to check it out using your favorite browser).
Note that you need to set the environment variable FASTCHEM_DIR to the location of the folder containing FastChem if you want to use that functionality (WIP).
To get help:
pytmosph3r -h

See the documentation for more information (read instructions in Installation just above to generate the doc).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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