pytorch-adaptive-computation-time 0.1.3

Creator: railscoderz

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pytorchadaptivecomputationtime 0.1.3

This library implements PyTorch modules for recurrent neural networks that can learn to execute variable-time algorithms,
as presented in Adaptive Computation Time for Recurrent Neural Networks (Graves 2016).
These models can learn patterns requiring varying amounts of computation for a fixed-size input,
which is difficult or impossible for traditional neural networks.
The library aims to be clean, idiomatic, and extensible, offering a similar interface to PyTorch’s builtin recurrent modules.
The main features are:

A nearly drop-in replacement for torch.nn.RNN- and torch.nn.RNNCell-style RNNs, but with the power of variable computation time.
A wrapper which adds adaptive computation time to any RNNCell.
Data generators, configs, and training scripts to reproduce experiments from the paper.

Vanilla PyTorch GRU:
rnn = torch.nn.GRU(64, 128, num_layers=2)
output, hidden = rnn(inputs, initial_hidden)

GRU with adaptive computation time:
rnn = models.AdaptiveGRU(64, 128, num_layers=2, time_penalty=1e-3)
output, hidden, ponder_cost = rnn(inputs, initial_hidden)

Documentation is hosted on Read the Docs.
You don’t need to cite this code, but if it helps you in your research and you’d like to:
title = "pytorch-adaptive-computation-time",
author = "Swope, Aidan",
journal = "GitHub",
year = "2020",
url = ""

If you use the experiment code, please also consider citing PyTorch Lightning.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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