pytoshop 1.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pytoshop 1.2.1

===============================pytoshop===============================.. image:: :target: image:: :target: image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status.. image:: :target: :alt: Coverage statusA Python-based library to read and write Photoshop PSD and PSB files.Based on the specification `from Adobe<>`__,but also with the help of the `psd-tools<>`__ source code.* Free software: BSD license* Documentation: Parsing of the most important tags. This is not complete, but the infrastructure is in place to add support for more quite easily.- Loading of complex nested layer structures, and the ability to edit them and write them back out.=======History=======1.2.1 (2018-11-30) (2017-12-13) (2017-09-26)------Bugfixes:- Fix #4: Change masked layer to same size as image layer when using the `user.nested_layers` interface.1.0.1 (2017-08-01) (2017-07-29)------- Declared API as stable.0.6.0 (2017-07-24)------Minor improvements:- Make it easier to choose the right channel, given the current color mode.0.5.0 (2017-07-03)------Minor improvements:- The color assigned to a layer (displayed in the layer list) is now available in the ``nested_layers`` API.Bugfixes:- Fix crash in ``GuideResourceBlock``.0.4.1 (2017-06-05)------------------Minor improvements:- Parse multiple values in a struct together when possible. This has a modest speed improvement.Bugfixes:- Fix pip install [#1]- The main canvas image will use the specified compression algorithm when using nested_layers_to_psd.- Non-image layers correctly set "pixel_data_is_irrelevant" flag.0.4.0 (2017-05-12)------------------Improvements:- For speed purposes, pytoshop no longer uses traitlets.- Performance improvements to the compression/decompression code.- Added support for the ``shmd`` metadata tagged block, and the ability to access it from the ``user.nested_layers`` API.Bugfixes:- Updated the list of tagged blocks that use 8-bit lengths.- Fixed a bug where the image data would be corrupted when writing images from an input file to an output file with a different file format version.- Fixed a crash when the input file contains no layer group ids.- Allow Numpy arrays of shape () in place of scalars for constant images.0.3.0 (2017-01-09)------------------Improvements:- ``pytoshop`` now runs on Python 2.7, in addition to 3.4 and 3.5.- Many of the image resources types are now handled directly, rather than through a generic bytes-only interface.- Major speedups in compression codecs.Bugfixes:- Saving a layer with a constant color (in ``nested_layers_to_psd``) now works correctly.- Unicode string decoding now properly handles trailing zeroes.- The "name source" on layers (when created from ``nested_layers_to_psd``) would point to the wrong source, but is now fixed.- Fix a bug when writing a layer of width 1.


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