pytrafikverket 1.0.0

Creator: railscoderz

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pytrafikverket 1.0.0

python module for communicating with the swedish trafikverket api
Development and testing done with 3.11
Code example
from pytrafikverket import TrafikverketTrain, StationInfo
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime

async def main(loop):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) as session:
train_api = TrafikverketTrain(session, "api_key_here")
stations = await train_api.async_search_train_stations("kristianstad")
for station in stations:
print( + " " + station.signature)

from_station = await train_api.async_get_train_station("Sölvesborg")
to_station = await train_api.async_get_train_station("Kristianstad C")
product_description = "SJ Regional" # Optional search field
print("from_station_signature: " + from_station.signature)
print("to_station_signature: " + to_station.signature)
train_stop = await train_api.async_get_train_stop(
from_station, to_station, datetime(2022, 4, 11, 12, 57), product_description

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

CLI example

trafikverket_cli -key <api_key> -method search-for-station -station "Kristianstad"
trafikverket_cli -key <api_key> -method get-next-train-stop -from-station "Kristianstad C" -to-station "Sölvesborg"
trafikverket_cli -key <api_key> -method get-next-train-stop -from-station "Kristianstad C" -to-station "Sölvesborg" -train-product "SJ Regional"
trafikverket_cli -key <api_key> -method get-train-stop -from-station "Kristianstad C" -to-station "Sölvesborg" -date-time "2017-05-19T16:38:00"
trafikverket_cli -key <api_key> -method get-weather -station "Nöbbele"
trafikverket_cli -key <api_key> -method search-for-ferry-route -route "sund"
trafikverket_cli -key <api_key> -method get-ferry-route -route "Adelsöleden"
trafikverket_cli -key <api_key> -method get-next-ferry-stop -from-harbor "Ekerö"
trafikverket_cli -key <api_key> -method get-next-ferry-stop -from-harbor "Furusund" -date-time "2019-12-24T00:00:00"


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