pytritech 1.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pytritech 1.0.2

A python interface to the Tritech GLF files. This project is part of the WATER Group research project at SMRU, University of St Andrews.
To use this library in your own python program we recommend including it as part of a python virtual environment.
pip install pytritech

or, directly from this repository
pipt install

Getting started
Once installed, you can begin to read pytritech files as follows:
from pytritech.glf import GLF
import os

assert os.path.exists(glf_path)

with GLF(glf_path) as glf:
image_data, image_size = glf.extract_image(glf.images[20])

Documentation is available at
The documentation can be generated using mkdocs as follows:
mkdocs serve

In order to run the various tests you will need the test data files, which are held in a separate repository. These are automatically downloaded by pytest when the tests are run. If the test takes a while to finish on the first time around, this is why.
There are a number of test dependencies: pillow, gitpython, pyinstrument etc. These can be found in the pyproject.toml file.
You will need to install the git lfs extension for large data files first. Follow the instructions at
run the following from the top of the pytritech directory:

Roadmap (or things we haven't implemented yet)
As of version 1.0.0, only the status and image records can be read. Records such as serial, analog video, V4 or generic are not yet supported. In addition, this library is only concerned with GLF files, not controlling the Tritech sonar itself.
In the future, we hope to add support for these remaining record types, but no timeline has been set.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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