pytsql 1.2.3

Creator: railscoder56

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pytsql 1.2.3


pytsql allows to run mssql scripts, typically run from GUIs, from Python.
This, in turn, eases concurrent, scheduled and chained execution of scripts in a
workflow. Put differently, it enables automated execution of Microsoft sql server scripts.
Moreover, pytsql supports parametrization of scripts, akin to templating.
Please have a look at our documentation if you're curious about more details.
To install, execute:
pip install pytsql

or in a conda environment
mamba install pytsql

Be aware that depending on your platform, you'will need specific drivers (Windows, Linux, macOS).
pytsql is tailored to run with MSSQL. Other sql dialects are not supported.
The main function of interest is execute. It requires a sqlalchemy Engine
object as well as the path to the sql script of interest. A typical use case might look as follows:
import pytsql
from sqlalchemy import sa

db_connection_string = "connection_to_my_database"
engine = sa.get_engine(db_connection_string)

pytsql.execute("my_sql_script.sql", engine)

Please also have a look at our documentation sections on usage and
Grammar is based on antlr4/grammars-v4.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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