pywbemtools 1.3.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pywbemtools 1.3.0

Pywbemtools is a collection of command line tools that communicate with
WBEM servers. The tools are written in pure Python and support Python 2
and Python 3.
At this point, pywbemtools includes a single command line tool named
pywbemcli that uses the
pywbem package on Pypi to issue operations
to a WBEM server using the
CIM/WBEM standards defined by the
DMTF to perform system management tasks.
CIM/WBEM standards are used for a wide variety of systems management
tasks in the industry including DMTF management standards and the
SNIA Storage Management Initiative Specification
Pywbemcli provides access to WBEM servers from the command line. It
provides functionality to:

Explore the CIM data of WBEM servers. It can manage/inspect the CIM
model components including CIM classes, CIM instances, and CIM
qualifiers and execute CIM methods and queries on the WBEM server.
Execute specific CIM-XML operations on the WBEM server as defined in
DMTF standard
DSP0200 (CIM Operations over HTTP).
Inspect and manage WBEM server functionality including:

CIM namespaces
Advertised WBEM management profiles
WBEM server brand and version information

Capture detailed information on CIM-XML interactions with the WBEM
server including time statistics and details of data flow.
Maintain a file with persisted WBEM connection definitions so that
pywbemcli can access multiple WBEM servers by name.
Provide both a command line mode and an interactive mode where
multiple pywbemcli commands can be executed within the context of a
WBEM server.
Use an integrated mock WBEM server to try out commands. The mock
server can be loaded with CIM objects defined in MOF files or via
Python scripts.

For the latest version of pywbemtools released on Pypi:

Change history

All commands within pywbemcli show help with the -help or -h options:
$ pywbemcli --help
. . .
$ pywbemcli connection --help
. . .
$ pywbemcli connection save --help
. . .

The following examples build on each other and show a typical sequence
of exploration of a WBEM server. For simplicity, they all operate
against the default namespace of the server, and use a persistent
connection definition for the WBEM server:

Add a persistent connection definition named conn1 for the WBEM
server to be used, so that the subsequent commands can refer to it:
$ pywbemcli -s https://localhost --no-verify -u user -p password connection save conn1

pywbemcli also supports mocked WBEM servers in memory, that are
preloaded with CIM objects defined in MOF files. Add a persistent
connection definition named assoc1 to a mock server using one of
the MOF files provided in the repo:
$ pywbemcli -m tests/unit/simple_assoc_mock_model.mof connection save assoc1

List the persistent WBEM server connection definitions:
$ pywbemcli connection list
WBEM server connections(brief): (#: default, *: current)
name server mock-server
------ ----------------- --------------------------------------
assoc1 tests/unit/simple_assoc_mock_model.mof
conn1 https://localhost

List the persistent WBEM server connection definitions with full information:
$ pywbemcli connection list --full
WBEM server connections(full): (#: default, *: current)
name server namespace user timeout use_pull verify certfile keyfile mock-server
------ ----------------- ----------- ------ --------- ---------- -------- ---------- --------- --------------------------------------
assoc1 root/cimv2 30 True tests/unit/simple_assoc_mock_model.mof
conn1 https://localhost root/cimv2 user 30 True False

Show the class tree, using the previously added WBEM server connection
definition assoc1 (specified with the -n option):
$ pywbemcli -n assoc1 class tree
+-- TST_FamilyCollection
+-- TST_Lineage
+-- TST_MemberOfFamilyCollection
+-- TST_Person
+-- TST_Personsub

Retrieve a single class from that class tree:
$ pywbemcli -n assoc1 class get TST_Person
class TST_Person {

[Key ( true ),
Description ( "This is key prop" )]
string name;

string extraProperty = "defaultvalue";


Enumerate the instances of that class, returning only their instance
names by use of the --no option:
$ pywbemcli -n assoc1 instance enumerate TST_Person --no

Retrieve a single instance using one of these instance names:
$ pywbemcli -n assoc1 instance get 'root/"Sofi"'
instance of TST_Person {
name = "Sofi";

The instance to be retrieved can also be selected interactively by
use of the wildcard instance key ("CLASSNAME.?"):
$ pywbemcli -n assoc1 instance get TST_Person.?
Pick Instance name to process
0: root/"Saara"
1: root/"Mike"
2: root/"Sofi"
3: root/"Gabi"
4: root/"Gabisub"
5: root/"Sofisub"
6: root/"Mikesub"
7: root/"Saarasub"
Input integer between 0 and 7 or Ctrl-C to exit selection: 3
instance of TST_Person {
name = "Gabi";

There are multiple output formats supported. The enumerated
instances can for example be formatted as a table of properties by
use of the -o table general option (these instances have only one
property 'name'):
$ pywbemcli -n assoc1 -o table instance enumerate TST_Person
Instances: TST_Person
| name |
| "Gabi" |
| "Mike" |
| "Saara" |
| "Sofi" |
| "Gabisub" |
| "Mikesub" |
| "Saarasub" |
| "Sofisub" |

Traverse all associations starting from a specific instance that is
selected interactively:
$ pywbemcli -n assoc1 -o table instance associators TST_Person.?
Pick Instance name to process
0: root/"Saara"
1: root/"Mike"
2: root/"Sofi"
3: root/"Gabi"
4: root/"Gabisub"
5: root/"Sofisub"
6: root/"Mikesub"
7: root/"Saarasub"
Input integer between 0 and 7 or Ctrl-C to exit selection: 1
Instances: TST_FamilyCollection
| name |
| "Family2" |
| "Gabi" |
| "Sofi" |

Other operations against WBEM servers include getting information on
namespaces, the Interop namespace, WBEM server brand information, or the
advertised management profiles:

Show the Interop namespace of the server:
$ pywbemcli -n conn1 server interop
Server Interop Namespace:
Namespace Name

List the advertised management profiles:
$ pywbemcli -n conn1 server profiles --organization DMTF
Advertised management profiles:
| Organization | Registered Name | Version |
| DMTF | CPU | 1.0.0 |
| DMTF | Computer System | 1.0.0 |
| DMTF | Ethernet Port | 1.0.0 |
| DMTF | Fan | 1.0.0 |
| DMTF | Indications | 1.1.0 |
| DMTF | Profile Registration | 1.0.0 |

Pywbemcli can also be executed in the interactive (REPL) mode by
executing it without entering a command or by using the command repl.
In this mode the command line prompt is pywbemcli>, the WBEM server
connection is maintained between commands and the general options apply
to all commands executed:
$ pywbemcli -n conn1
Enter 'help' for help, <CTRL-D> or ':q' to exit pywbemcli.
pywbemcli> server brand

Server Brand:
WBEM Server Brand
pywbemcli> server interop

Server Interop Namespace:
Namespace Name
pywbemcli> :q


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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