PyWENO 0.11.2

Creator: railscoder56

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PyWENO 0.11.2

PyWENO======PyWENO is a Python module for computing high-order WeightedEssentially Non-oscillatory (WENO) reconstructions of cell-averageddata arrays.The basic interface provides a simple routine to compute 1Dreconstructions at various points within each grid cell. The pointsat which the basic interface can reconstruct the original function atinclude: left edge, right edge, Gauss-Legendre quadrature points,Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points, and Guass-Radau quadrature points.PyWENO can also be used as a code generator to build custom WENOreconstructors in C, Fortran, and OpenCL on uniform grids.Please see more information.Important links--------------- * Official project page: * Documentation: install PyWENO, you need: * NumPy * SymPy (optional if you avoid pyweno.symbolic)Testing-------To build PyWENO and create symlinks to the extension modules: pythonsetup.pybuild cd pyweno forsoin../build/lib∗/pyweno/∗.so;doln−sso; doneNow, nosetests should work: $ nosetestsLicense-------Please see LICENSE for copyright information.Contributors------------* Matthew Emmett* Michael Welter* Ben Thompson


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