pyxcute 0.8.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pyxcute 0.8.1

A small task runner inspired by npm scripts.


Use it like setuptools.
Chain tasks with _pre, _err, _post, _fin suffix.
A builtin Bump task which can bump version with semver.
A small set of cross-platform CLI utils.

From pypi
pip install pyxcute


Create a file:
from xcute import cute

hello = 'echo hello xcute!'
then run:
$ cute hello
> Task: hello
> Cmd: echo hello xcute!
hello xcute!

If you got a “not a command” error, see How do I make Python scripts executable?)

“hello” is the name of the task that should be executed. If is executed without a task name, it will run the “default” task.
Provide additional arguments:
$ cute hello 123
> Task: hello
> Cmd: echo hello xcute! 123
hello xcute! 123
The arguments will be passed into the executor, which is xcute.Cmd.__call__ in this case.

It can be a str:
from xcute import cute

hello = 'echo hello'
If it match the name of another task, pyxcute will execute that task:
from xcute import cute

hello = 'world', # execute "world" task when "hello" task is executed
world = 'echo I am world task'
Use a list:
from xcute import cute

hello = ['echo task1', 'echo task2']
Using an Exception would make the task fail:
from xcute import cute
hello = Exception("error message")
Use anything that is callable:
from xcute import cute

hello = lambda: print('say hello')
Actually, when you assign a non-callable value as a task, pyXcute converts it into a callable according to its type.

Task chain
Define the workflow with _pre, _err, _post, _fin suffix:
from xcute import cute

hello_pre = 'echo _pre runs before the task',
hello = 'echo say hello',
hello_err = 'echo _err runs if there is an error in task, i.e, an uncaught exception or non-zero return code',
hello_post = 'echo _post runs after the task if task successfully returned',
hello_fin = 'echo _fin always runs after _post, _err just like finally'
When a task is executed, the task runner try to execute _pre task first, then the task itself, then the _post task. If the task raised an exception, then it goes to the _err task. _fin task would be executed whenever the task failed or not.
Pseudo code:
run(name + "_pre")
run(name, args)
except Exception:
run(name + "_err")
run(name + "_post")
run(name + "_fin")

Format string
pyXcute expands the command string with xcute.conf dictionary. The expansion is happened at run-time:
from xcute import conf, cute

conf["my_name"] = "world"

def change_my_name():
conf["my_name"] = "bad world"

hello = [
"echo hello {my_name}",
"echo hello {my_name}"
$ cute hello
> Task: hello
> Cmd: echo hello world
hello world
> Cmd: echo hello bad world
hello bad world

Cross-platform utils
There are some CLI utils inspired by npm-build-tools, including:


Run each command with -h to see the help message.

Live example
Checkout the cute file of pyXcute itself.



0.8.0 (Feb 4, 2024)

Change: drop natsort, implement filename sorting by ourselves.

0.7.0 (Oct 22, 2023)

Change: now we only test pyxcute on Python>=3.7.
Add: cfg argument in Bump.

0.6.0 (Nov 1, 2019)

Add: LiveReload.

0.5.2 (Jun 14, 2018)

Add: support bumper argument in Bump.
Add: support Python 3.4. Drop subprocess32.

0.5.1 (May 12, 2018)

Add: conf["py"] variable.

0.5.0 (May 11, 2018)

Add: support Python 2.
Add: documentation.
Add: Skip, run_task, task_converter.
Add: `Bump` task now update the version number inside `setup.cfg`.
Fix: Cmd task failed on Unix due to shell=True and passing args as a list.
Change: the command of `Cmd` is now logged. The log message is also changed.
Drop: `noop`.

0.4.1 (Apr 3, 2017)

Better description for x-clean.
Fix broken pipe error in x-pipe.

0.4.0 (Mar 28, 2017)

Switch to setup.cfg.
Add log, exc, noop, Throw, Try.
Drop Exc, Exit.
Add x-* utils.

0.3.1 (Mar 23, 2017)

Find version from {pkg_name}/

0.3.0 (Jul 21, 2016)

Add pkg_name task.
Add default tasks bump, version.

0.2.0 (May 14, 2016)

Add _fin tag, which represent finally clause.
Add Exc and Exit tasks.

0.1.2 (Apr 20, 2016)

Move _pre out of try clause.

0.1.1 (Apr 20, 2016)

Bump dev status.

0.1.0 (Apr 20, 2016)

First release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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