pyzotero3 1.4.25

Creator: railscoder56

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pyzotero3 1.4.25

Pyzotero3: An API Client for the Zotero API (python 3 only)

pip install pyzotero3
You'll need the ID of the personal or group library you want to access:

Your personal library ID is available here, in the section Your userID for use in API calls
For group libraries, the ID can be found by opening the group's page:, and hovering over the group settings link. The ID is the integer after /groups/

You'll also need† to get an API key here
Are you accessing your own Zotero library? library_type is 'user'
Are you accessing a shared group library? library_type is 'group'.

from pyzotero import zotero
zot = zotero.Zotero(library_id, library_type, api_key)
items =
# we've retrieved the latest five top-level items in our library
# we can print each item's item type and ID
for item in items:
print('Item: %s | Key: %s' % (item['data']['itemType'], item['data']['key']))

Full documentation of available Pyzotero methods, code examples, and sample output is available on Read The Docs.

Using pip: pip install pyzotero3 (it's available as a wheel, and is tested on Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10)
From a local clone, if you wish to install Pyzotero from a specific branch:

git clone git://
cd pyzotero3
git checkout dev
pip install .

Run in the pyzotero/test directory, or, using Nose2, nose2 from the top-level directory.
The latest commits can be found on the main branch, although new features are currently rare. If you encounter an error, please open an issue.
Pull Requests
Pull requests are welcomed. Please read the contribution guidelines. In particular, please base your PR on the dev branch.
As of v1.0.0, Pyzotero is versioned according to Semver; version increments are performed as follows:

MAJOR version will increment with incompatible API changes,
MINOR version will increment when functionality is added in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version will increment with backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Pyzotero has a DOI:

You may also cite Pyzotero using CITATION.cff.
A sample citation (APA 6th edition) might look like:

Stephan Hügel, The Pyzotero Authors (2019, May 18). urschrei/pyzotero: Version v1.3.15.

Pyzotero is licensed under the MIT license. See license.txt for details.
† This isn't strictly true: you only need an API key for personal libraries and non-public group libraries.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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