qhist 0.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

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qhist 0.1.2

QHist – A Quick Histogram drawer for ROOT::TTree for smoother HEP analysis!

Simple draw from tree and parameter (branch name):
h1 = QHist()
h1.trees = t1
h1.params = 'M'

Overlaid comparison between branches, compact syntax:
QHist(trees=t1, params=['mu_PT/1e3','pi_PT/1e3'], xlabel='PT [GeV]', xmax=60).draw()

Compare between trees, with filtering, and reusable via templating:
H = QHist(trees=[t1, t2, t3], filters=['mu_PT>20e3'])
H(params='APT' , xmin=0 , xlabel='PT-asymmetry').draw()
H(params='M/1e3', xmax=120, xlabel='Mass [GeV]').draw()

Read more on https://qhist.readthedocs.io

Installation & dependencies
It’s available from pip install qhist.
The package requires an existing installation of PyROOT.

This packacge was written and used during my PhD in 2013-2017 at EPFL (Lausanne) and LHCb collaboration (CERN),
for the work in Z->tau tau cross-section measurement and H->mu tau searches at LHCb (8TeV).
I hope it can be of a good use for future analysis…


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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