qiskit-honeywell-provider 0.2.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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qiskithoneywellprovider 0.2.1

Qiskit Honeywell Provider

Qiskit is an open-source framework for working with noisy quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, and algorithms.
This project contains a provider that allows access to Honeywell quantum
You can install the provider using pip:
pip3 install qiskit-honeywell-provider

pip will handle installing all the python dependencies automatically and you
will always install the latest version.
Setting up the Honeywell Provider
Once the package is installed, you can access the provider from Qiskit via the following import:
from qiskit.providers.honeywell import Honeywell

You will need credentials for the Honeywell Quantum Service. Credentials are
tied to an e-mail address that can be stored on disk with:

After the initial saving of your account information, you will be prompted to enter
your password which will be used to acquire a token that will enable continuous
interaction until it expires. Your password will not be saved to disk and will
be required infrequently to update the credentials stored on disk or when a new
machine must be authenticated.
The credentials will then be loaded automatically on calls that return Backends,
or can be manually loaded with:

This will load the most recently saved credentials from disk so that they can be provided
for each interaction with Honeywell's devices.
Storing a new account will not invalidate your other stored credentials. You may have an arbitrary
number of credentials saved. To delete credentials you can use:

Which will delete the current accounts credentials from the credential store. Please keep in mind
this only deletes the current accounts credentials, and not all credentials stored.
With credentials loaded you can access the backends from the provider:
backends = Honeywell.backends()
backend = Honeywell.get_backend(device)

You can then use that backend like you would use any other qiskit backend. For
example, running a bell state circuit:
from qiskit import *
qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
qc.cx(0, 1)
qc.measure([0,1], [0,1])
result = execute(qc, backend).result()

Using a proxy
To configure a proxy include it in the save account configuration:
Honeywell.save_account('username@company.com', proxies = {'urls': {'http': 'http://user:password@myproxy:8080', 'https': 'http://user:password@myproxy:8080'}})

To remove the proxy you can save with an empty dictionary:
Honeywell.save_account('username@company.com', proxies = {})

The 'urls' field must be a dictionary that maps a protocol type or url to a specific proxy. Additional information/details can be found here.
Apache License 2.0.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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