qlcp 0.24.817

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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qlcp 0.24.817

QLCP: Quick Light Curve Pipeline v2024.06
QLCP is a quick, easy-to-use pipeline for processing light curves from images observed by any ground based telescope.
By Dr Jie Zheng (NAOC) & Prof/Dr Lin-Qiao Jiang (LSNU)
QLCP is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip:
pip install qlcp

import qlcp
from qlcp import workmode
import logging

rawd = '/path/to/raw/data/'
redd = '/path/to/reduced/data/'

rawd, # raw data directory
redd, # reduced data directory
steps='lbfiopwkcd', # steps to do
aper=[3,5,7,9], # apertures, up to 9 apertures
starxy=[ # star positions on base image
(927,1018), # target
(855,920), # ref1
(1255,861), # chk
(1107,1349), # ref2
(1161,1434), # ref3
(1220,1289), # ref4
(688,1050), # ref5
ind_tgt=[0,6], # target index
ind_ref=[1,3,4,5,6], # reference index
ind_chk=[2,3,4], # checker index
# how to handle overwrite and missing files
# The following recover the settings in config
offset_max_dis=100, # max offset for offset
cali_max_dis=20.0, # max distance for identify calibration stars
scr_log=logging.DEBUG, # logging level
draw_phot=False, # draw photometry result or not

Detailed manual, see manual.md in Chinese. English version TBW.


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