qPython 2.0.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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qPython 2.0.0

.. ATTENTION::This project is in maintenance mode. We may fix bugs, but no new features will be added in foreseeable future. qPython=======qPython is a Python library providing support for interprocess communication between Python and kdb+ processes, it offers:- Synchronous and asynchronous queries- Convenient asynchronous callbacks mechanism- Support for kdb+ protocol and types: v3.0, v2.6, v<=2.5- Uncompression of the IPC data stream- Internal representation of data via numpy arrays (lists, complex types) and numpy data types (atoms)- Supported on Python 2.7/3.4/3.5/3.6 and numpy 1.8+For more details please refer to the `documentation`_.Installation------------To install qPython from PyPI:``$ pip install qpython``**Please do not use old PyPI package name: exxeleron-qpython.**Building package----------------Documentation~~~~~~~~~~~~~qPython documentation is generated with help of `Sphinx`_ document generator.In order to build the documentation, including the API docs, execute:``make html`` from the doc directory.Documentation is built into the: ``doc/build/html/`` directory.Compile Cython extensions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~qPython utilizes `Cython`_ to tune performance critical parts of the code.Instructions:- Execute: ``python setup.py build_ext --inplace``Build binary distribution~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Instructions:- Execute: ``python setup.py bdist``Testing~~~~~~~qPython uses py.test as a test runner for unit tests.Instructions:- Make sure that top directory is included in the ``PYTHONPATH``- Execute: ``py.test``Requirements~~~~~~~~~~~~qPython requires numpy 1.8 to run.Optional requirements have to be met to provide additional features:- tune performance of critical parts of the code: - Cython 0.20.1- support serialization/deserialization of ``pandas.Series`` and ``pandas.DataFrame`` - pandas 0.14.0- run Twisted sample: - Twisted 13.2.0- build documentation via Sphinx: - Sphinx 1.2.3 - mock 1.0.1Required libraries can be installed using `pip`_.To install all the required dependencies, execute:``pip install -r requirements.txt``Minimal set of required dependencies can be installed by executing:``pip install -r requirements-minimal.txt``.. _Cython: http://cython.org/.. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/.. _pip: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip.. _documentation: http://qpython.readthedocs.org/en/latest/


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