qtils 0.11.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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qtils 0.11.0

Qtils - pronounced as cutieels - is a syntactic sugar library to make sweet Python coding even sweeter.

This library is dedicated to Pál Hubai, Surfy, my programming Master who spent countless hours answering
my questions, providing code examples, and guiding me towards the right approach when I was learning programming
as a child.


Convenient collections qdict, qlist and QEnum
Self-formatting object in PrettyObject
Two-way formatter/parser for file sizes, for example ‘5.4 GB’, in DataSize
Weak reference property decorator weakproperty
Cached property decorator cachedproperty
Class logger decorator logged
Common string transformations in qtils.string_utils


Sources are available on GitHub
Installer is available on PyPI
Usage guide and more examples are available in the tutorials
Documentation is available online on ReadTheDocs
Migrating from sutils? See the sutils migration guide here.
Contributions are always welcome. Please see the Developer’s guide on getting started.

Getting Started

Installing the latest release from PyPI using pip:
$ pip install qtils
Installing the latest release from PyPI and saving it to requirements.txt using pip:
$ pip install -s requirements.txt qtils
Installing the latest pre-release from GitHub:
$ pip install -e https://github.com/ultralightweight/qtils.git#master


Attribute dictionary
>>> from qtils import *

>>> d = qdict(hello = "world")
>>> d.hello
>>> d.answer = 42
>>> d['answer']
See more examples in the qdict tutorial, see the API reference here.

Objects with self-formatting capability
>>> class MyObject(PrettyObject):
... __pretty_fields__ = [
... 'hello',
... 'answer',
... ]
... def __init__(self, hello, answer):
... self.hello = hello
... self.answer = answer
>>> obj = MyObject('world', 42)
>>> print(obj)
<__main__.MyObject object at ... hello='world', answer=42>
See more examples in the PrettyObject tutorial, see the API reference here

Cached property
>>> class DeepThought(object):
... @cachedproperty
... def answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything(self):
... print('Deep Thought is thinking')
... # Deep Thought: Spends a period of 7.5 million years
... # calculating the answer
... return 42
>>> deep_thougth = DeepThought()
>>> deep_thougth.answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything # first call, getter is called
Deep Thought is thinking
>>> deep_thougth.answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything # second call, getter is not called
>>> del deep_thougth.answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything # removing cached value
>>> deep_thougth.answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything # getter is called again
Deep Thought is thinking
See more examples in the cachedproperty tutorial, see the API reference here.

Weak reference property
>>> from qtils import weakproperty

>>> class Foo(object):
... @weakproperty
... def bar(self, value): pass

# The code above is the functional equivalent of writing:

>>> import weakref
>>> class Foo(object):
... @property
... def bar(self, value):
... return self._bar() if self._bar is not None else None
... @bar.setter
... def bar(self, value):
... if value is not None:
... value = weakref.ref(value)
... self._bar = value
See more examples in the weakproperty tutorial, see the API reference here.

Formatting and parsing file sizes
>>> print(DataSize(123000))
123 k
>>> DataSize('1.45 megabytes')
>>> DataSize('1T').format(unit="k", number_format="{:,.0f} {}")
'1,000,000,000 k'
See more examples in the formatting module tutorial, see the API reference here.

Dynamic module exports
>>> from qtils import qlist

>>> __all__ = qlist()

>>> @__all__.register
... class Foo(object):
... pass
See more examples in the qlist tutorial, see the API reference here.

Adding a class-private logger
>>> @logged
... class LoggedFoo():
... def __init__(self):
... self.__logger.info("Hello World from Foo!")
See more examples in the logging module tutorial, see the API reference here.

Pull requests are always welcome! Please see the Developer’s Guide on getting started with qtils development.

This library is available under GNU Lesser General Public Licence v3.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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