qtrex 0.1.0

Creator: railscoderz

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qtrex 0.1.0


Query template rendering and execution library written in Python.
The goal of qtrex is to provide a simple API that supports loading .sql
files that can be templated with jinja, and provide extensible configuration
options to either compile the files, and execute the rendered templates against
various databases.
Getting Started
qtrex is installable at https://pypi.org/project/qtrex/ via pip using:
We currently only support bigquery, but plan on adding other DB support as
optional dependencies.
pip install 'qtrex[bigquery]==0.0.5'

Here is a brief example usage of qtrex.
Assuming you have query templates in a directory on a local filesystem, using
our test suite as an example:

Where ./tests/testdata/mytemplate.sql has the following contents:
FROM UNNEST({{ params.test_array }}) AS x

and ./tests/testdata/ingest/another_query.sql has:
`{{ params.my_project_id }}.{{ params.my_dataset }}.{{ params.my_table }}`

and lastly, ./tests/testdata/nested_params.sql has:
{{ params.test_dict_key.one }} + {{ params.test_dict_key.two }}

Next, we want to have our .yaml config (or extend qtrex.config.BaseConfig)
to implement your own config mechanism.
Our ./tests/example.yaml will look like:
- key: test_string_key
value: "string_value"
- key: test_array_key
value: [1, 2, 3]
- key: test_dict_key
one: 1
two: 2
three: 3

We can now run the following script (./tests/example.py) after changing
into the ./tests directory
from qtrex.executor import BigQueryExecutor
from qtrex.store import Store
from qtrex.config import YAMLConfig

def main():
with open("./example.yaml", "r") as f:
cfg = YAMLConfig(f)

store = Store.from_path(cfg, "./testdata")
ex = BigQueryExecutor()
for query_ref in store:
print(f"{query_ref.name}: {query_ref.template}\n")
res = ex.execute(query_ref, dry_run=True)
print(f"results: {res}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

When we run this script:
cd ./tests
python example.py

we should see the following in stdout
mytemplate.sql: SELECT SUM(x)
FROM UNNEST([1, 2, 3]) AS x

results: QueryResult(query_ref=QueryRef(filename='./testdata\\mytemplate.sql', template='SELECT SUM(x)\nFROM UNNEST([1, 2, 3]) AS x', name='mytemplate.sql'), df=None, error=None)
nested_params.sql: SELECT
1 + 2

results: QueryResult(query_ref=QueryRef(filename='./testdata\\nested_params.sql', template='SELECT\n 1 + 2', name='nested_params.sql'), df=None, error=None)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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