quantcrypt 0.4.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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quantcrypt 0.4.2


QuantCrypt is a cross-platform Python library for Post-Quantum Cryptography using precompiled PQClean binaries.
QuantCrypt contains only the strongest variants of the PQC algorithms from the NIST PQC standardization process as recommended by the CNSA advisory by NSA.
Currently, there does not exist any pure-Python implementation of Post-Quantum Cryptographic algorithms,
which requires Python developers to first discover where to get reliable C source code of PQC algorithms,
then install the necessary C compilers on their system and then figure out how to use CFFI to compile and
use the C code in their Python source code. Furthermore, those binaries would be only compatible with the
platform that they were compiled on, making it very difficult to use separate platforms for development
and deployment workflows, without having to recompile the C source code each time.
This library solves this problem by pre-compiling the C source code of PQC algorithms for Windows, Linux and
Darwin platforms in GitHub Actions using CFFI, and it also provides a nice Python wrapper around the PQC binaries.
Since I wanted this library to be all-encompassing, it also contains a lot of helper classes which one might need
when working with Post-Quantum cryptography. This library places a lot of focus on Developer Experience, aiming
to be powerful in features, yet easy and enjoyable to use, so it would just work for your project.
The full documentation of this library can be found in the Wiki.
Because this library is rich in docstrings which provide detailed insight into the library's behavior,
it is suggested to use an IDE which supports autocomplete and intellisense when working with this library.
pip install quantcrypt

Script Imports
from quantcrypt import (
kem, # Key Encapsulation Mechanism algos - public-key cryptography
dss, # Digital Signature Scheme algos - secret-key signatures
cipher, # The Krypton Cipher - symmetric cipher based on AES-256
kdf, # Argon2 helpers + KMAC-KDF - key derivation functions
errors, # All errors QuantCrypt may raise - also available from other modules
utils # Helper utilities from all modules - gathered into one module

CLI Commands
The general functionality of this library is also available from the command-line, which you can access
with the qclib command. Keep in mind that if you install QuantCrypt into a venv, you will need to activate
the venv to access the CLI. QuantCrypt uses Typer internally to provide the CLI experience.
You can use the --help option to learn more about each command and subcommand.
qclib --help
qclib --info
qclib --version

qclib keygen --help
qclib encrypt --help
qclib decrypt --help
qclib sign --help
qclib verify --help
qclib optimize --help

Security Statement
The PQC algorithms used in this library inherit their security from the PQClean project.
You can read the security statement of the PQClean project from their SECURITY.md file.
To report a security vulnerability for a PQC algorithm, please create an issue in the PQClean repository.
This library would be impossible without these essential dependencies:

PQClean - C source code of Post-Quantum Cryptography algorithms
Cryptodome - AES-256 and SHA3 implementation
Argon2-CFFI - Argon2 KDF implementation

I thank the creators and maintainers of these libraries for their hard work.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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