quantumrand 2.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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quantumrand 2.2.0


maintained fork of lmacken/quantumrandom
This project provides tools for interacting with The ANU Quantum Random Number Generator (qrng.anu.edu.au). It communicates with their JSON API and provides a Python API, a qrand command-line tool, and a Linux /dev/qrand character device. (This has to be fixed).
QuantumRand was made to work with Python 3. Python 2 support has been dropped as it is now reached End of Life.

As of 2.0, QuantumRand has had to adapt to ANU's SSL certificate expiring. QuantumRand is still able to connect via SSL by default, but please be aware that QuantumRand cannot securely validate ANU's SSL authenticity until they update their certificate.

pip install quantumrand
Python API
Low Level API Examples
The QuantumRand Python module contains a low-level get_data
function, which is modelled after the ANU Quantum Random Number
Generator's JSON API. It returns variable-length lists of either
uint16 or hex16 data.
Valid data_type values are uint16 and hex16.
The array_length and block_size cannot be larger than 1024.
If for some reason the API call is not successful, or the incorrect amount of data is returned from the server, this function will raise an exception.



quantumrand.get_data(data_type='uint16', array_length=5)

[42796, 32457, 9242, 11316, 21078]

quantumrand.get_data(data_type='hex16', array_length=5, block_size=2)

['f1d5', '0eb3', '1119', '7cfd', '64ce']

High Level API Examples
Based on the above get_data function, quantumrand also provides a bunch
of higher-level helper functions that make easy to perform a variety of
Generate a random intger

quantumrand.randfloat(0, 20)


quantumrand.randint(0, 20)


Generate random HEX as a string



Generate random binary formatted string



The previous binary() function returns 10000 bytes



Generate uint16 values as a Numpy array


numpy.array([24094, 13944, 22109, 22908, 34878, 33797, 47221, 21485, 37930, ...], dtype=numpy.uint16)

Randomly select an item from a list

quantumrand.list_picker(["Mary", "Bill", "Chad", "Nicole"])


Dice rolling
The two main methods are dice_roll() and quick_dice()
Both methods can take 3 optional arguments:

n is the number of dice to roll (default is 1)
d is the number of sides on each die (default is 6)
min is the lowest number on the die (default is 1)

dice_roll() returns a tuple where the first value is a list of individual dice rolls, and the second value is the total of the dice rolls.
quick_dice() returns an integer with the total dice rolls. This is best for single die rolls and dice rolls you don't need to know the individual rolls of.

Roll a single d6 (a standard 6 sided die) and show results


([3], 3)

Roll a single d20 and show results


([19], 19)

Roll two d9 (0-9) and show results

quantumrand.dice_roll(d=9, n=2, min=0)

([0,3], 3)

Roll three d8 and show results

quantumrand.dice_roll(d=8, n=3)

([4,8,3], 15)

Roll three d9 (0-9) and show only the total.

quantumrand.quick_dice(d=9, n=3, min=0)


You can roll a die with any number of sides



Using the Command Line Tool
Currently still being fixed!
Getting a random integer within a range:

qrand --int --min 5 --max 15


Getting random binary values:

qrand --binary


Getting random hex values:

qrand --hex


Creating /dev/qrand
This will have to be updated, as it is not working for any supported version of Python currently.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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