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qurrium 0.8.1
Qurry 🍛 - The Quantum Experiment Manager for Qiskit and The Measuring Tool for Renyi Entropy, Wave Function Overlap, and More
This is a tool to measure the Renyi entropy, Wave Function Overlap, and Magnetization Squared of given wave function. Running on IBM Qiskit with the function from constructing experiment object to pending the jobs to IBMQ automatically.
It's a great thanks for National Chengchi University, NSTC-Quantum Virtual Machine project, and National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Physics Division located National Taiwan University, which funded the development of this tool during the author @harui2019 worked at this institution as Research Assistiant, and i also a great thanks for IBM Quantum Hub at National Taiwan University providing the access right of IBM Quantum, let us can fully test this tool and execute our experiments.
By PyPI - Stable Release
Would show up in pip list as qurrium-x.y.z
This may not be the latest version and update frequently, but it's stable.
pip install qurrium
By TestPyPI - Nightly Release
Would show up in pip list as qurry-x.y.z.devW
This will include some new features and bug fixes, but it may not be stable.
pip install qiskit tqdm requests
# the installation from testPyPI can' t find these dependencies
pip install -i qurry
Maually by Git
This method is installed from source, since we use Cython and Rust, it will require "C complier" and "Rust complier" which you need to install them first.
You can install rust quickly by the following command:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Then, you can install qurry by the following command:
git clone --recursive
cd qurry
pip install -e .
Test Installation
We use pytest for testing, you can run the following command to test:
After you finish the installation and want to comfirm the installation.
If you use this tool in your research, please cite the following paper in the file CITATION.bib:
title = {Probing entanglement dynamics and topological transitions on noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers},
author = {Huai-Chun Chang and Hsiu-Chuan Hsu and Yu-Cheng Lin},
year = {2024},
eprint = {2406.10159},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
primaryclass = {quant-ph},
url = {}
We currently SUPPORT qiskit 0.46.0+ and qiskit 1.0.0+, other lower version is no longer available.
Ubuntu 18.04+ LTS (All ManyLinux 2014 compatible distro)
on x86_64 (recommended)
on x86_64 Windows 10/11 WSL2 (recommended)
on aarch64
We strongly recommend to use Linux based system, due to Python multiprocessing may exist some unknown issue on Windows and the GPU acceleration of Qiskit, qiskit-aer-gpu only works with Nvidia CUDA on Linux.
Windows 10/11
on x86_64
MacOS 11+
on aarch64 (Apple Silicon, M1/M2/M3/M4 chips)
on x86_64 (Intel chips)
with required modules:
qiskit, tqdm, requests
with optional modules:
qiskit-aer: The complete simulator package of qiskit
qiskit-aer-gpu: The gpu acceleration of qiskit-aer when use Linux and Nvidia GPU
qiskit-aer-gpu-cu11: Extra package for CUDA 11
qiskit-ibm-runtime: When use IBM Quantum Device
qiskit-ibm-provider: When use IBM Quantum Device, but it will be deprecated soon.
qiskit-ibmq-provider: When use IBM Quantum Device, which has been deprecated.
qurrent - The Renyi Entropy Measurement
The main function to measure the entropy.
The following is the methods used to measure.
Hadamard Test
Used in:
Entanglement spectroscopy on a quantum computer - Sonika Johri, Damian S. Steiger, and Matthias Troyer, PhysRevB.96.195136
Haar Randomized Measure
Statistical correlations between locally randomized measurements: A toolbox for probing entanglement in many-body quantum states - A. Elben, B. Vermersch, C. F. Roos, and P. Zoller, PhysRevA.99.052323
qurrech - The Wave Function Overlap Measurement
It's similar to qurrent.
Hadamard Test
Used in:
Entanglement spectroscopy on a quantum computer - Sonika Johri, Damian S. Steiger, and Matthias Troyer, PhysRevB.96.195136
Haar Randomized Measure
Statistical correlations between locally randomized measurements: A toolbox for probing entanglement in many-body quantum states - A. Elben, B. Vermersch, C. F. Roos, and P. Zoller, PhysRevA.99.052323
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