qutip-jax 0.0.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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qutipjax 0.0.1

qutip-jax: JAX backend for QuTiP
A plug-in for QuTiP providing a JAX linear-algebra backend.
Backing the linear algebra operations with JAX extends QuTiP's
capability to work with a GPU. Furthermore, it allows QuTiP's Qobj class to
benefit from auto differentiation.
We are actively developing the plug-in and in the pre-alpha state. Therefore it is a work-in-progress and is not ready for use yet. You are welcome to contribute or take part in the development by posting issues, PRs and through discussions.

We are proud to be affiliated with Unitary Fund and
NumFOCUS. QuTiP development is supported by Nori's
lab at RIKEN, by the University of Sherbrooke, and by
Aberystwyth University, among other supporting
Contact Shahnawaz Ahmed (shahnawaz.ahmed95@gmail.com), Eric Giguère(eric.giguere@calculquebec.ca) or anyone from the QuTiP admin team (https://qutip.org/devs.html) for more information.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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