rabbit 1.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

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rabbit 1.2.0

# Rabbit Command Line HopperRabbit is a simple yaml based tool for command line actions. It will read a rabbit.yaml configuration file from the current directory and provide a list available commands.## InstallationYou will need to have Python and Pip [installed](http://python-packaging-user-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installing/#requirements-for-installing-packages) then run the following command in your cli. $ pip install rabbit## Usage- Enter 'rabbit' or 'rab' in your command line- Rabbit must be able to find a rabbit.yaml file in the current directory.- 'rabbit --help' will display a list of all available rabbit commands## ConfigurationRabbit will look for the closest rabbit.yaml file. This [yaml](http://docs.ansible.com/YAMLSyntax.html) file must contain a commands property. The commands property is a list of all commands to be proxied by rabbit. Simple as that!```yamlcommands: - hop: npm install to: docker run -it --rm node npm install description: Runs 'npm install' on the current directory - hop: run node to: echo "Run Node" description: echos 'run node' to the command line```### Command - A command's 'hop' property represents the rabbit command to be entered.- A command's 'to' property defines the actual command to be run in terminal. - All arguments provided after the rabbit 'hop' decleration will be appended to the proxied command.- Commands that share a similar hop will be grouped for convinience.### [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md)


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