rancon 0.17.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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rancon 0.17.1

Rancon (aka rancher-consul)
We use consul as a service discovery mechanism, and a Consul-template / HAProxy combination to route traffic into our services. This python script is a helper to automatically enter Rancher services into Consul based on Rancher label selectors, so they can picked up by the load HAProxy load balancing layer.
This might not be of any use to anybody but me, but I’ll make it public anyway because I did not find another solution so I had to write it, and maybe someone else has the same problem.


Date: 2017-06-07

FIX: made “/” URL path work again (threw HTTP 500 because of code error)
FIX: way better exception handling, the registration cycle is no longer aborted if an exception occurs
FIX: the consul backend handles a connection error gracefully now

Date: 2017-01-19

FIX: again some critical fixes in consul backend (don’t use v0.16)
FIX: cleanup ID now includes rancher environment name (rancher.sh change)
FEATURE: contrib/congler helper added, script to delete and list services

Date: 2017-01-19

FIX: small internal bug fix which should never have triggered
CHANGE: cleanup ID now different, removal of standard “rancon” tag
CHANGE: output of rancher.sh a bit different
CHANGE: log outputs changed partially
INTERNAL: some code refactorings

Date: 2017-01-19

FEATURE: make consul urls dynamic (use %HOST% etc. placeholders)
FEATURE: deregistering uses the correct consul instances, not blindly “the ones registered with”

Date: 2017-01-06

FEATURE: add metric “rancon_registration_exceptions”

Date: 2017-01-05

Very confused version. Maybe it’s 0.14.0 already? Don’t use.

Date: 2017-01-04

FEATURE: add version number to ‘/’ URL path & prometheus metrics

Date: 2017-01-04

FIX: rancher.sh startup script processes env names with spaces now

Date: 2017-01-03

FIX: Service tag replacment exception

Date: 2017-01-03

FEATURE: Add “web interface” (basically only for metrics and health check)
FEATURE: Add health check under /health
FEATURE: Add prometheus metrics under /metrics
CHANGE: Deregistration behavior for services which failed registration (was:
unregister, is now: keep)

Date: 2016-06-15

CHANGE: convert IDs, tags, names to all lowercase in consul
CHANGE: do not allow non-url characters in service IDs (basically nothing but [a-z0-9-])

Date: 2016-06-15

BREAKING: -i/--id parameter no longer global, moved to cleanup_id parameter of backend
CHANGE: output now logging based, so all to stderr, and -vvvv flags possible
FIX: bug in service lookup in Rancher
OPEN: https connections

Date: 2016-06-15

FEATURE: authentication now used
FIX: bug in service lookup in Rancher
OPEN: https connections (untested, might work)

Date: 2016-06-09

More verbosity during init process

Date: 2016-06-09

Unified naming scheme of used environment variables
Added convenience script “rancon.py”
Dockerfile fixes
Doc fixes

Date: 2016-06-07

Initial PyPI release
module works, docker setup not tested yet
documentation unfinished / not present


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