random-dog 1.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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randomdog 1.0.2

random-dog is a module for getting dog images, it uses dogAPI: https://dog.ceo/dog-api/
The module creation was inspired by random-cat module (https://github.com/gravmatt/random-cat)
Python 2 and 3 compatible
Install through pip.
$ pip install random-dog

or get from source
$ git clone https://github.com/Prasnal/random-dog
$ cd random-dog
$ python setup.py install

The dog module has just one function getDog() with two optional arguments.
directory - default is the current directory
filename - default is a unique id
import dog

# dog.getDog(directory=None, filename=None)

dog.getDog(directory='/users/tor', filename='dog')

# /users/tor/dog.jpg

The function return the image name (absolute path if directory is specified) of the image.
Command Line
You can also request an image on the terminal.
$ randomdog [file]

# Example:

$ randomdog /users/tor/dog.jpg

The argument file is optional.
The command return the filename/absolute path of the image to the standard output (stdout).
The MIT License (MIT)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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