random_cli 1.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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random cli 1.0.1

a cli app that simply generates 64 random alphanumeric characters.
for example:
$ random
I am kind of sick and tired of not being able to generate a simple alphanumeric
random string for passwords or what not without relying on a web browser.
I really like something in the terminal so that it is kind of temporary yet I
can copy and paste it when I need it, and be able to simply close the terminal
window when I am done.
I find it surprising that there is no simple cli app to do this… I resort to
doing things like dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 | base64, but this is not
ideal, it is a long command and just not very configurable. most of the time I
just want a simple alphanumeric string but base64 gives all kinds of things,
which is great for what it is, but not really intended for what I am doing most
of the time.
so here it is, a purpose built cli app just for generating random alphanumeric


random_cli is entirely hosted on the client machine, no internet connection
is ever used after installation.
randomness is provided by the python secrets module, introduced in python
3.6: <https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/secrets.html>.

the secrets module uses best source of cryptographic randomness provided
by the operating system. on linux, that may be /dev/urandom. they are
suitable for managing data such as passwords, account authentication,
security tokens, and related secrets.

disclaimer: this project has not been security audited. while secrets
module is cryptographically strong, you should do your own assessment if
this project is suitable for your specific use case.

random_cli requires python 3.6 or higher as random_cli uses the new
secrets module introduced in python 3.6.
you can install random_cli from pypi, or from source.
to install system wide from pypi with pip:
sudo python3 -m pip install random_cli
I use “flit” to build and publish random_cli, so “flit” is required
if you want install from source:
sudo python3 -m pip install flit
then you can build and install random_cli from source:
git clone https://github.com/sunnz/random-cli.py random_cli
cd random_cli
flit install
that would install random_cli into your home directory.
to install system wide from source, instead of flit install, run:
sudo su
FLIT_ROOT_INSTALL=1 flit install

usage: random [OPTIONS] [LENGTH]
--type TEXT alphanumeric (default), print, letters, lower, upper, hex
--help Show this message and exit.
options and length is optional, default to 64 characters.
$ random

$ random 10

$ random --type print

$ random --type letters

$ random --type lower

$ random --type upper

$ random --type hex
random_cli generates 64 random alphanumeric characters by default if no options
and length are given.
you should not get exactly the same results as above examples as random_cli
picks random characters from the given options. (you would be extremely lucky
if you do, as that equates to winning the lotto serveral times in a row!!)

runtime error
if you see something like this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was
configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment.
this can be fixed by exporting the locale to the encoding of choice. for
example, I am using australian english, so I would set my locale to
en_AU.utf8 by running the following:
export LC_ALL=en_AU.utf8
export LANG=en_AU.utf8
the set the locale permanently, this repo provides a script locale.sh
under shell-scripts. copy it to /etc/profile.d/locale.sh.
see python 3 surrogates for more information:

setup virtualenv:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
from this point we assume that python refers to python 3 in virtualenv.
to run unit test (via python 3 pytest module):
python -m pytest --flake8 --cache-clear -v
to build command for testing (e.g. within virtualenv):
flit install
after which you can run it by running random in the terminal in virtualenv.
to rebuild simply run flit install again.

you are very welcomed to open issues and/or submit pull requests on github:
this project follows standard-readme specification:
if you find this project useful and would like to tip me over bitcoin, here’s
my bitcoin tipping address: 1P1v6k1Qr9Ad3fMLrtgj5PQjYLyZdjqLZP.
100% optional, it would totally be an awesome encouragement, no matter what
the amount is! :)

isc (c) sunnz <https://github.com/sunnz>.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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