rapidpro-for-rapidsms 1.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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rapidproforrapidsms 1.0.3

This is the RapidPro backend for RapidSMS. It has been created for UNICEF to facilitate transition of legacy applications designed for RapidSMS and the Django web framework to the new RapidPro platform.
This component uses the official rapidpro-python client library to communicate with RapidPro.


Incoming (MO) SMS support
Outgoing (MT) SMS support

New configuration options

RapidPro API gateway URL
RapidPro API token


Python 2.7+ or Python 3.3+
Django >=1.7,<=1.9
RapidSMS 0.18.0+
rapidpro-python >=2.1.6

The rapidpro-for-rapidsms backend supports Python >= 2.7 and Django >= 1.7. All required Python packages should be intalled automatically as long as you follow the official installation procedure described below.
To install from PyPi:
$ pip install rapidpro-for-rapidsms

Edit your Django project settings (e.g. settings.py) to include the following:

add rapidpro4rapidsms to your INSTALLED_APPS, e.g.:
# your apps

configure the backend to use your RapidPro service and API token, e.g.:
# some other backends (optional)
"rapidpro-backend": {
"ENGINE": "rapidpro4rapidsms.RapidProBackend",
# The following URL and token should be set to match your RapidPro
"rapidpro_api_gateway_url": "your rapidpro API gateway URL, e.g. "
"rapidpro_api_token": "YOUR-RAPIDPRO-API-TOKEN"

configure your Django project to include rapidpro4rapidsms.urls, e.g.:
urlpatterns = patterns(
# your Django project URLs
# ...
# rapidpro4rapidsms URLs
url(r'backends/', include('rapidpro4rapidsms.urls')),

The rapidpro-for-rapidsms backend is released under the BSD License. See the LICENSE.TXT file for more details.

To install:
$ pip install -e .[development]
To run tests:
$ python setup.py test

If you think you’ve found a bug or are interested in contributing to this
project check out rapidpro-for-rapidsms on Github.
Development by Tomasz J. Kotarba of SYSTEM7.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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