raschii 1.0.4

Creator: railscoder56

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raschii 1.0.4

Raschii is a Python library for constructing non-linear regular waves and is
named after Thysanoessa raschii, the Arctic Krill.
Supported wave models are currently:

Stream function waves (M. M. Rienecker and J. D. Fenton, 1981)
Stokes second through fifth order waves (based on J. D. Fenton, 1985)
Airy waves, standard linar waves cosine waves

Raschii includes a command line program to plot regular waves from the suported
wave models and C++ code generation for using the results in other programs,
such as in FEniCS expressions for initial
and boundary conditions in a FEM solver. There is also a limited Dart port which is used in the online demo.

A comparison of fifth order Stokes waves and fifth order Fenton stream
function waves. Deep water, wave heigh 12 m, wave length 100 m.

As of version 1.0.3, Raschii can output waves on the SWD (spectral wave data)
standard file format for use in analysis programs (CFD, boundary element etc).

Installation and running
Raschii can be installed by running:
python -m pip install raschii
Substitute python with python3 as appropriate to your installation.
The command will also install any dependencies (numpy).

Using Raschii from Python
An example of using Raschii from Python:
import raschii

fwave = raschii.FentonWave(height=0.25, depth=0.5, length=2.0, N=20)
print(fwave.surface_elevation(x=[0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]))
print(fwave.velocity(x=0, z=0.2))
This will output:
[0.67352456 0.61795882 0.57230232 0.53352878]
[[0.27263788 0. ]]

Using Raschii from the command line
You can also use Raschii from the command line. You can plot the wave
elevation and particle velocities, and also write swd files. See the
help for the command line programs to get detailed usage info:
python -m raschii.cmd.plot -h
python -m raschii.cmd.swd -h
Substitute python with python3 as appropriate to your installation.
You must install the matplotlib Python package to be able to use the
plot command.
An example of using Rascii from the command line:
# Plot a 0.2 m high wave that is 2 meters long in 1.5 meters water depth
# Some information abot the wave is also shown
python -m raschii.cmd.plot -N 5 Fenton 0.2 1.5 2

# Save the same stream function wave to a SWD file
python -m raschii.cmd.swd -N 5 fenton.swd Fenton 0.2 1.5 2
The plot tool allows comparing multiple waves, the SWD file writer only
supports a single wave at a time and does currently not support Airy waves.

The documentation can be found on Raschii’s Read-the-Docs pages.

Raschii is developed in Python on Bitbucket
by use of the Git version control system. If you are reading this on github,
please be aware that you are seeing a mirror that could potentially be months
out of date. All pull requests and issues should go to the Bitbucket repository.
Raschii is automatically tested on CircleCI
and the current CI build status is .


Version 1.0.4 - Aug 28. 2020

Add the raschii.cmd.plot and raschii.cmd.swd command line programs

Version 1.0.3 - Aug 28. 2020

Fix missing time dependency in Stokes surface surface elevation
Ensure all wave models implement T and omega attributes
Test that the surface elevation has the correct period for all wave models
Include SWD file
format support for writing generated waves to files for interchange with other

Version 1.0.2 - Jun 4. 2018
Some more work on air-phase / water phase velocity blending

Change the air blending zone to be horizontal at the top (still follows the
wave profile at the bottom). The air phase blanding still has no influenece on
the wave profile or water-phase velocities, but the transition from blended to
pure air-phase velocities is now a bit smoother for steep waves and the
divergence of the resulting field is lower when projected into a FEM function
space (analytically the divergence is always zero).

Version 1.0.1 - May 31. 2018
Small bugfix release

Fix bug related to sign of x component of FentonAir C++ velocity
Improve unit testing suite
Improve FEM interpolation demo

Version 1.0.0 - May 29. 2018
The initial release of Raschii

Support for Fenton stream functions (Rienecker and Fenton, 1981)
Support for Stokes 1st - 5th order waves (Fenton, 1985)
Support for Airy waves
Support for C++ code generation (for FEniCS expressions etc)
Command line program for plotting waves
Command line demo for converting fields to FEniCS
Unit tests for most things
Documentation and (currently non-complete online demo)
Support for computing a combined wave and air velocity field which is
continuous across the free surface and divergence free (currently only works
with the Fenton stream function wave model).

Copyright and license
Raschii is copyright Tormod Landet, 2018. Raschii is licensed under the Apache
2.0 license, a permissive free software license compatible with version 3 of
the GNU GPL. See the file LICENSE for the details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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